Involuntary Leave of Absence Policy

This policy shall apply to students who engage in, or are likely to engage in, (a) conduct that poses a direct threat to their own health or safety, or that of others, or (b) conduct that significantly interferes with their ability to function in an academic and/or residential setting or seriously disrupts the academic or residential living environment of others.

When a determination is reached by the Director of Counseling and Mental Health Leave Committee, that the student (a) poses a direct threat to the health and safety of the campus community or (b) is engaging in, or is likely to engage in, conduct that significantly interferes with their ability to function in an academic and/or residential setting or is seriously disruptive to the academic and/or residential environment of others, the Director of Counseling and Mental Health Leave Committee may place that student on an involuntary leave of absence. Such a decision shall be based on an individualized risk assessment, which shall include a review of relevant and available current medical information and, wherever possible, the opinions of the student’s health care providers.
This leave of absence will remain in effect until the student meets specific requirements for readmission. Requirements for readmission will be outlined by the Director of Counseling and Mental Health Leave Committee, and will be based on the individualized risk assessment. These requirements may include the completion of a mental health or medical evaluation, personalized treatment plans, release of treatment records, personal statements about activities pursued while on leave, questionnaires from the treatment providers, and evidence of the ability to comply with the College’s conduct or behavioral requirements. The Director of Counseling and Mental Health Leave Committee shall notify the student in writing of these conditions for readmission to the college. This notification letter will include the reason(s) for the decision and the terms of the decision and condition for the student’s return. This notice shall also include the student’s right to appeal the college’s decision. The student’s parent/guardian will be notified of the college’s decision and be sent a copy of the student’s notification letter, to the extent allowable under FERPA.
Unless permitted by the Director of Counseling and Mental Health Leave Committee, a student placed on an involuntary leave of absence is not permitted to be present on campus and is not permitted to engage in any college-related activities. When appropriate, the Mental Health Leave Committee can assist the student in resolving any current academic obligations; such accommodations may include assisting with communications to professors, helping to obtain course incompletes, withdrawals, etc.

Within a one-year period from the date of the decision to invoke an involuntary leave of absence, or such other period previously set based on an individualized assessment, the student may request permission from the Director of Counseling and Mental Health Leave Committee to return to the college. Such requests must be accompanied by the required supporting documentation that establishes, to the satisfaction of the college, that the student no longer presents a danger to the college community and/or is no longer likely to engage in conduct that significantly interferes with their ability to function in an academic and/or residential setting or is seriously disruptive to the academic and/or residential environment of others, and must be accompanied by proof that the student complied with any terms upon which the leave of absence was conditioned. The Director of Counseling and Mental Health Leave Committee will review this documentation and make the recommendation of whether the student will be permitted to return to campus. This decision will be communicated in writing to the student.

A student placed on an involuntary leave of absence, who is unable to complete their current coursework, may be withdrawn from all current courses they are registered for, even after the official withdrawal period has ended and without academic penalty. Partial withdrawal is not possible. Additionally, a student on leave will receive a one-year Maintenance of Matriculation that allows the student to return without having to re-apply or pay another application fee. The student will be responsible for meeting 100% of their tuition, fees and room charges for the current academic semester. The student’s board will be prorated. If the student receives financial aid funding, they should contact the Director of Financial Aid to better understand the full financial aid implications.

If the student is permitted to return to the College to complete their degree, the student will be given a waiver for tuition charges, not room costs or fees, incurred for the semester they were withdrawn. Students who are awarded this waiver are not permitted/eligible to use institutional funding for the semester in which they return. Students may be evaluated for state and federal funding if there are new charges incurred by the student. Should the student not return to the college to complete their degree, no refund of tuition charges will be given. If away for more than one year, the student would be subject to the catalog requirements in place at the time of return.

Loan repayment begins after a student graduates or drops below half time enrollment. For a student whose leave of absence extends beyond any available grace period (usually six months), loans will enter repayment. There may be forbearance options available to students (ex: forbearance based on unemployment). This process is not automated and the student would be required to contact the servicer of the loan to find out what options are available.


If a student is not granted a mental health leave, the student may submit a written appeal within two weeks of receiving the decision to the Assistant Vice President for Students, whose decision regarding the request will be final. If a request is denied, the College catalog policies will apply, based on the original date the Voluntary Mental Health Leave Request forms were initially submitted


The College’s regulations governing the use of alcohol and drugs are designed first to ensure the personal health and safety of each member of the Mount Saint Mary College community. In addition, these regulations are intended to foster an environment that facilitates student learning, promotes sound judgment, respect for the rights of others, and acceptance of personal responsibility for one’s behavior. Student health and safety are of primary concern at Mount Saint Mary College. The College recognizes that there may be times when students face medical emergencies involving excessive drinking and/or drug use. If a MSMC student seeks medical attention through the College and/or 911 (for themselves or for another) due to a medical emergency, disciplinary action will not be taken against the student for consumption or possession of alcohol or drugs. Please be aware that such Medical Amnesty does not preclude disciplinary sanctions due to any other violation of the Student Code of Conduct. In addition, Medical Amnesty applies solely to the MSMC student discipline process. The College has no ability to provide amnesty to enforcement actions initiated by the police, other law enforcement personnel, or other third parties, including criminal or civil proceedings.

The student(s) requesting Medical Amnesty will be required to meet with a member of the Student Affairs staff and may be expected to complete a MSMC judicial referral course on alcohol and/or drug use education program or another educational program before amnesty will be granted. The student seeking medical attention has full responsibility for all costs associated with medical treatment, including, but not limited to, hospital transportation, treatment, assessment, or damage. The College also reserves the right to notify a student’s emergency contact.
Medical Amnesty is not intended to be used frequently. For students who have been involved in prior alcohol/drug incidents and/or utilized Medical Amnesty in the past, a member of the Student Affairs Office will evaluate the request for Medical Amnesty and make a determination whether to provide Medical Amnesty on a case-by-case basis. The College reserves the right to deny such a request.