Graduation Requirements

To qualify for the bachelor’s degree at Mount Saint Mary College, students must have 120 credit hours and a minimum GPA of 2.0, or for students pursuing New York State teacher certification, a minimum GPA of 2.75. All students must complete the online Intent to Graduate form located on the portal by the due date in the semester preceding graduation. Intent to graduate submission dates can be located on the Academic calendar. Students will not receive their diploma or be eligible to participate in the commencement ceremony without the submission of their intent. Degree conferral at the College occurs in May, August, and December.

Student who are missing no more than two requirements* for graduation will be permitted to participate in the College's May commencement ceremony. Students in the 5-year BA/MSED program may participate in commencement after they have completed all of their core and major requirements for the BA degree, or have no more than two requirements outstanding. Students who are in the non-traditional, pre-licensure baccalaureate nursing program who need twelve (12) or fewer credits to complete their degree are eligible to participate in the May commencement ceremony.

*Student teaching, integrated field work, and health and safety workshop equal two requirements.