Types of Honors Courses

There are three types of Honors courses through which a student can earn Honors credit. First, HON designated courses are designed specifically for the Honors program, and the entire class is assumed to be in the Honors program. These courses are usually Honors versions of courses that fulfill requirements in the General Education curriculum (e.g. Introduction to Psychology, World Religions, etc.).

Second, Honors-by-Contract courses are those made through individual contracts between a faculty member and an Honors student in courses for which there is not an Honors section. Each contract must be developed by the student and faculty member and submitted for approval to the Associate VPAA before the Drop/Add date of the semester in which the course is taken.

Third, a student may register for an Honors Tutorial, which is associated with regularly-scheduled course, and which combines the advantages of dedicated Honors sections with the Honors-by-contract model. If offered during the term, students register a traditional version of the course and a separate zero-credit section of Honors Tutorial. In addition to meeting with the regular class, Honors students meet, as a group, with the instructor for at least an additional 10 hours over the course of the semester. In this type of course the Honors students benefit from the collective learning of a classroom in courses for which there are insufficient students to warrant a dedicated Honors section. (A minimum of five Honors students is required for this option.)