Academic Progress

The student is responsible for the selection of, enrollment in, and completion of a minimum of 18 Honors credits over four years. It is recommended that Honors students taking only the minimum number of credits to qualify for the completion of the program take 6-9 Honors credits in the freshman year and the remaining credits in subsequent years. Students must complete one interdisciplinary HON 3000-level theme-based course and one culminating 4000 level Honors research/project course to satisfy program requirements. The Registrar, in consultation with the VPAA and the Honors Program Director must approve Honors courses transferred from other institutions.

To maintain their status in the Honors Program, students will need to demonstrate that they are making "satisfactory progress" towards earning the 18 credits necessary for graduation from the Honors Program. This progress will be demonstrated not only through maintenance of a 3.4 GPA, but also through completion of Honors courses according to the schedule below:

Credits Earned Required Honors Credits Earned
30 6
60 9
90 12
120 18

Note that the credit expectations outlined above are the minimums required to maintain status as a student in the Honors program; earning more credits in the first, second, and third years can reduce the requirement in the senior year.

During the junior and senior years, Honors students are required to take (1) a theme-based interdisciplinary studies course and (2) the culminating independent study research course, which may be centered in their major field of study. In identifying the topic, focus and scope of this independent research, the student is guided by an academic advisor/mentor, chosen by the student in consultation with the Director of the Honors Program.