EDU 6220 Curriculum Theories and Best Practices for the Diverse Learner

Through research and in-depth study, participants in this course will analyze and evaluate curriculum approaches and instructional methodologies for inclusive instruction of diverse learners. This analysis will be grounded in the participants’ understanding of curriculum theory, curriculum history and the politics of curriculum. The implementation of effective curriculum and instructional approaches that employ current research-based methods, technology and assessment techniques will be addressed. Participants will compare national standards of education with the approaches of curriculum design in other countries and research resources and organizations that support international collaboration. They will research, analyze and evaluate effective models of curriculum planning, including problem-based learning, interdisciplinary curriculum design and literacy-based content-area curriculum. Current trends in curriculum will be explored. Ethical issues regarding curriculum design, implementation and assessment will be considered. Participants will learn how to contextualize curriculum to best meet the needs of diverse learners.



