EDU 6240 Research Internship

The research internship is designed to provide doctoral students with the opportunity to conduct specialized field research in educational settings. The internship will allow course participants an opportunity to explore a specific research interest under the guidance of a faculty member. Learners may choose to work with a faculty member in the Division of Education, or in certain situations may choose to work with a professor in another Division, or even a professor from another university. The intent of the research internship is to connect doctoral students with their passion for learning, and help them articulate and implement a research methodology. Alternately, this course may be taken as an independent research study to pilot the course participant’s future doctoral research project on a smaller scale or to pilot a research tool or instrument the learner plans to use in his or her dissertation. Appropriate internships are those that will allow doctoral learners the opportunity to create and demonstrate new strategies and methodologies for conducting research in educational settings.



