Professional Behaviors Policy

Students entering a baccalaureate nursing program are beginning an education in professional nursing, which requires conformance to standards of ethical comportment, appropriate behavior and accountability, guided by the American Nurses Associate (ANA) Code for Nursing and the ANA Scope and Standards of Practice. Additionally, all students are held to the academic integrity and conduct policies specified in the most recent version of the Molloy College Student Handbook. It is expected that students will adopt as well as demonstrate appropriate emerging-professional behaviors at the designated program level. The ANA Code for Nurses, ANA Scope and Standards of Practice, National Student Nurses Association Code of Academic and Clinical Conduct, and related professional nursing literature all emphasize that nursing students at all levels of professional preparation must uphold the trust placed in them by society.

Students who demonstrate behavior that is incongruent with these expectations are subject to sanctions, which can include dismissal from the program of study. To make a determination as to sanctions, student behavior will be evaluated as either meeting expectations or not meeting expectations as outlined in the appropriate program handbook.

(All information related to this policy is found in the appropriate program handbook, which can also be accessed on the Molloy College website.)