Admission Criteria Prior to Starting the Nursing Program

Science Transfer Courses

  • Science prerequisite courses under consideration for transfer of credit to the nursing major should have been taken within ten (10) years prior to the date of acceptance. Science courses that are older than ten (10) years will not be accepted.

Reading and Writing Proficiency (All Students)

  • Students are tested for reading and writing levels upon admission. See front of Catalog under "Admissions" requirements for testing information. English courses and remediation are assigned based on students’ performance

Reading and Writing Specific to Generic Students

  • Prior to entry into Level I nursing courses, all nursing students must achieve a minimum Reading sub score of 26 on the EBRW section (reading section) of the SAT Exam or a minimum score of 20 on the Reading section of the ACT Exam or have completed ENG 1010 with a minimum grade of "C". Prior to entry into Level III, students must have successfully completed College Composition (ENG 1100) or its transferred equivalent. (See "Admissions Requirements for Freshmen and Transfers" in front section of the Molloy College Catalog.)
  • RN Degree Completion and DDP/RN Students must have completed required remedial writing course and/or ENG 1100 prior to entering any nursing courses.
  • “English as a Second Language (ESL)” students are required to take the Michigan Test. Please refer to admissions requirements at the front of the Catalog for additional information. Prior to entry into Level I nursing courses, ESL students must have completed all ESL required courses.

Mathematics Proficiency for Generic Students

  • A mathematics proficiency examination will be administered to all nursing students as part of the admissions process. Transfer students and “change of major into nursing” students will take the test at the first scheduled date after such transfer. Successful completion of this test (90% or above) is required for all students before NUR 1290 may be taken.
  • A student receiving a grade below 90% will be required to successfully complete one remediation course (MAT 0600) and achieve a grade of 90% or higher.
  • Students who have taken the ATI Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS®) Exam prior to admission must achieve an 80% on essential math skills portion. These students will not need to take the mathematics proficiency examination and may begin nursing courses. Student with less than 80% must take MAT 0600.
  • Failure to attain a "Pass" grade (90% or higher) when taking MAT 0600 will necessitate withdrawal from the Nursing program. This course may be taken only once.