
During their first field experience, teacher candidates are required to attend two on-campus supervised seminars.

Teacher candidates in the Dual Degree Program (5-year) must earn a minimum grade of "B" in all education courses and maintain a minimum cumulative average of 3.2 in their education courses.

A positive evaluation must be received from the field observation experience (EDU 3300) in order to receive a grade and progress to the next semester. It is the teacher candidate’s responsibility to ensure that the written evaluation from the field placement experience cooperating teacher is collected in a timely manner and submitted to the field placement office by the announced due date.

A positive evaluation from both the college supervisor and the field placement teacher must be received in order to be recommended for progression to the next semester.

Positive evaluations must be received from both the college supervisor and the field placement teachers in order to be recommended for New York State initial teaching certification. Workshops in the training for Identification of Child Abuse and Neglect, and Violence Prevention and Intervention must be completed for state certification. All teacher candidates must be fingerprinted, as required by New York State Education Department prior to starting the first field experience.

Grading Policy

Teacher candidates must attain a grade of B or better in all courses. Any candidate who receives a grade lower than B in any course must repeat the course the next time it is offered. A course may be repeated only once. Failure to maintain a grade of B when taking a course for the second time necessitates withdrawal from the program. Failure of more than one course necessitates withdrawal from the program. Candidates who have been withdrawn from the program due to academic failure may not be readmitted to the program.

Teacher candidates are required to attend a minimum of six professional workshops throughout the program. A written critique of workshops must be submitted as evidence of attendance.

Candidates who begin the Dual Degree Program (5-year) and do not meet progression criteria may opt to transfer into the Baccalaureate Program (4-year) if they meet the program criteria. If these program criteria are not met, the candidates will be required to return to the liberal arts and sciences content major field of study in order to complete the Baccalaureate Degree.

Teacher candidates who have not fulfilled the prerequisite and progression requirements of the program will not be admitted to subsequent classes.

Benchmark Performances

All teacher candidates are to submit benchmark performance assignments on their "Chalk and Wire" electronic portfolio account in all education courses. Upon registering for their education courses, all undergraduate students will register for EDU 3000, e-portfolio, where a fee for a five-year subscription to "Chalk and Wire" is applied. All benchmark assignments must be submitted by the due dates required by the instructor. If benchmark assignments are not submitted on time, teacher candidates will receive a failing grade for that assignment and will not be able to progress to the next phase of coursework.


Teacher candidates who successfully complete the requirements of the college, their specific education program and pass the New York State Teacher Certification Examinations will be eligible for certification to teach in New York State.

Note: Molloy College School of Education and Human Services reserves the right to make necessary changes in programs and courses in response to regulations received from the New York State Education Department regarding teacher certification policies. These changes become effective according to dates specified by the New York State Education Department.

Teacher candidates are responsible for meeting all program requirements including the use of electronic portfolios when required.


Candidates completing the five-year dual degree program are awarded both a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree and are recommended by Molloy College for Initial Teaching Certification. Upon completion of three years teaching experience, they will then be recommended by Molloy College for Professional Certification.