Admission and Program Policies

  • Admission/transfer requirements are noted in the front section of the College Catalog. Transfer students must be in good academic standing with a 2.75 GPA at their previous college in order to be accepted into Molloy College as an education major.
  • Teacher candidates are responsible for all transportation to and from their field school placements. All field school placements are scheduled when elementary, middle and secondary schools are in session.
  • In compliance with New York State Education Department criteria, at least one of the field placements will be in a high-needs diverse school district. Teacher candidates agree to accept all placements arranged by the Field Placement Office. It is the recommendation of the Field Placement Office that they seek different school districts for each placement.
  • Teacher candidates must have an overall 3.00 cumulative index and be of sophomore status prior to beginning education courses. They must maintain a 3.00 cumulative index while in the education program.
  • Teacher candidates must have a 2.75 GPA in their academic content major and be of sophomore status prior to beginning education courses. They must also maintain a 2.75 cumulative average in their content area while in the Education Program.
  • Teacher candidates in the Dual Degree (5-year program) must have a 3.2 GPA in their academic content prior to taking graduate coursework. They must also maintain a 3.2 cumulative average while in the Education Program.
  • Teacher candidates must earn a minimum grade of "B" in English composition (ENG 1100). If a teacher candidate does not attain a minimum grade of "B" in ENG 1100, then he/she must take ENG 1200, a one-credit course in English composition, where a grade of "B" is required. This writing requirement must be completed prior to taking education courses.
  • Transfer students must provide evidence of achievement of a grade of "B" or better for the transfer course equivalent to Molloy's ENG 1100. A photocopy of the transcript indicating the letter grade must be submitted to the advisor. (For AP Exam credits for ENG 1100, a score of 4 or better is equivalent to a "B" when ENG 1100 transfer credits are awarded).
  • Teacher candidates are required to have a Molloy email account and check it daily for important program announcements.
  • Any student not registered in the Education Program must obtain permission from the Dean and/ or Associate Dean of the Undergraduate Education Program in order to take any courses in the Education Program.
  • Prior to taking education courses, teacher candidates must attend a mandatory orientation session regarding program requirements. This orientation is announced only through Molloy e-mail.
  • All teacher candidates will be interviewed by School of Education and Human Services faculty prior to taking education courses.
  • Transfer students who wish to enter the Baccalaureate Program (4-year) must apply to Molloy College through the Admissions Office and have their transcripts evaluated.
  • All transfer students must complete one full semester at Molloy College in general education and content area courses before taking education courses. The GPA must be a minimum of 3.00 in their first semester at Molloy College.

Reading and Writing Proficiency

Teacher candidates are screened upon admission. English courses and remediation are assigned based on students’ performance.

Teacher candidates must submit writing-on-demand samples throughout the program. If the writing sample or coursework does not meet School of Education and Human Services standards for prospective teachers, the teacher candidate will be required to participate in recommended support services including, but not limited to, sessions at the Writing Center or small group tutorials.