Political Science—B.A.

New York State Registered Program Code: 07473

HEGIS Code: 2207.00 {Political Science and Government}

Molloy Program of Study Code: POLBA

Program Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of the ideological foundation, structure and functions of various political systems and their relationship to the individual and the society.
  • Critically analyze and evaluate features of comparative governments.
  • Analyze challenges facing the international community and exhibit a disposition toward moral responsibility and ethical leadership.
  • Become well informed and active citizens.
  • Demonstrate effective critical and analytical skills in research papers, case studies and examinations.
  • Demonstrate effective oral communication and written skills in research papers, presentations and examinations.


General Education Requirements (38 Credits)

Acceptable courses listed under General Education Requirements.

Arts and Fine Arts (6 Credits) Two out of three disciplines: ART History, MUS History or COM Speech Communication

English Composition (3 Credits) ENG 1110

Languages (3 Credits)

Languages or Literature (3 Credits) Either a second Language course or Literature course

Social and Behavioral Sciences (6 Credits) Two out of three: History, Psychology or Sociology

Science (3 Credits)

Philosophy (3 Credits)

Theology/Religious Studies (3 Credits)

Ethics (3 Credits)

Physical Education (1 Credit)

Core Course (4 credits)

NOTE: The General Education requirement is 44, and has been adjusted to 38, because the following Major and Related requirements will also satisfy the General Education requirement: POL 1000, MAT 1150A. Some elective Related requirements may be taken that can also be used to satisfy the General Education requirements.

Major Requirements (39 Credits)

POL 1000Fundamentals of Government


POL 1010American National Government


POL 1060Comparative Government and Politics I


POL 1070Comparative Government and Politics II


POL 3190Research Methods for Historians and Political Scientists


POL 4600Government Internship I


POL 4900Political Science Seminar


Complete either course (3 Credits)

POL 1030American State and Local Government


POL 2100American Party Politics


Complete two POL 2000-level courses (6 Credits)

Complete two POL 3000-level courses (6 Credits)

Complete one additional elective POL course (3 Credits)

Related Requirements (18 Credits)

MAT 1150AElementary Statistics


Complete two 2000-level courses (9 Credits)

Choose from HIS, ECO, GEO, PSY or SOC courses.

Complete two upper-level courses (6 Credits)

Choose from HIS, ECO, GEO, PSY or SOC courses.

Electives (33 Credits)

The Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) for a B.A. degree is met. FST 1000 counts towards required Electives.

(Adjust Electives needed for having a Minor(s), Remedials, ESL, Honors Programs, PED/FST waivers as needed, under consultation with advisor.)

Total Credit Hours: 128