DSS/STEEP - Disability Support Services/Success Through Expanded Education Program

Molloy College provides a supportive environment for students with documented disabilities and is committed to complying with all applicable provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), ADA Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Students who are requesting accommodations and services must contact the DSS/STEEP office to initiate the process. Students are required to provide documentation, from a qualified professional, of their disability or chronic illness and to discuss how reasonable accommodations may assist them in fulfilling course requirements and participating in campus life. Determination of reasonable accommodations is an ongoing and interactive process. Students have the choice of whether or not to utilize accommodations.

While we encourage the student to meet privately with each of their faculty members to discuss accommodations, this is NOT required. The nature of the disability does not have to be discussed, only accommodations.

Please note: Without confirmation from the DSS/STEEP office, accommodations cannot be provided.

Students who have injuries, surgeries or other conditions which will temporarily restrict them on campus may contact DSS/STEEP to arrange for reasonable short-term accommodations. Documentation will be required.

DSS/STEEP also provides services to assist students in various areas of campus life. Appointments are scheduled on an as-needed basis to determine which individual and/or group services may be appropriate. Contact Cari Rose-Tomo, DSS/STEEP Coordinator at 516.323.3315 for more information. The DSS /STEEP office is located in the Casey Center, Room C-017.

Accommodations and services are designed to equalize opportunities and access, not to lower the academic standard for these students or to alter the essential nature of the degree requirements.