STAP—St. Thomas Aquinas Program

The St.Thomas Aquinas Program (STAP) is a holistic student support program for incoming freshmen at Molloy College. To qualify, students must exhibit a high potential for success at the collegiate level and have academic profiles that do not meet traditional admissions standards. Acceptance to the St. Thomas Aquinas program is determined by the Office of Admissions upon evaluation of an incoming student's academic profile.

Students accepted into STAP receive extensive support and guidance during their academic career. A strong emphasis is placed upon the successful transition from high school to college and providing students with the skills and information needed for successful completion of an undergraduate degree. Program participants are linked with fellow students, peer mentors, learning communities and various clubs and organizations housed at Molloy in order to promote academic prosperity and transformative learning experience.

STAP students have access to individualized academic advisement services and weekly success seminars on topics including study skills, time management, test anxiety, financial literacy and stress relief. These seminars are designed to equip students with the skills, attitudes and information needed to accomplish their educational and career goals.