2024-2025 Catalog and Student Handbook


Department of English and Modern Languages

Website: http://www.marietta.edu/program/english
Chair: Tim Catalano (catalant@marietta.edu)

The Department of English strives to help its graduates develop the curiosity, knowledge, and analytical skills that will allow them to maintain and enhance the professional reputation of those who graduate from Marietta College with a major in English. In preparing graduates for future endeavors, whether graduate programs or careers, the English Department focuses on the following outcomes:

Essential Concepts - English major graduates will understand:

Historical Perspective/Major Works

Students will place major works of English-language literature within the historical periods in which they were written and identify some stylistic characteristics and defining themes of important literary periods.


Students will analyze literature that represents diverse cultures, placing texts within their historical and cultural contexts and identifying stylistic characteristics and defining themes.


Students will identify conventions of nonfiction prose, fictional prose, poetry, and drama and analyze how genre conventions influence meaning.

Form and Style

Students will analyze how literary forms and methods (such as figurative language, rhythm, metaphor, stanzaic form, and so on) contribute to the meaning of texts.


Students will understand how language evolves and shapes culture.

Essential Competencies - English major graduates will be able to:

Think Critically:

Students will locate, summarize, and critique appropriate resources to support their oral and written arguments.

Students will construct interpretive arguments about texts, using evidence from the texts to support their claims.

Students will demonstrate an understanding, as relevant, of the texts’ historical or cultural contexts in their interpretive arguments.

Communicate in Written and Oral Formats:

Students will communicate in both written and oral forms.

Integrate Learning:

Students will reflect upon and draw connections among their learning experiences both inside and outside the classroom.