2019-2020 Catalog and Student Handbook

Modern Languages

Website: www.marietta.edu/modern-languages-department

Chair: Nathan Anderson (npa001@marietta.edu)

Administrative Assistant: Kristen Thompson

The department’s mission is to prepare graduates who are linguistically proficient and culturally literate by offering high quality programming leading to majors in Asian Studies and Spanish; and minors in Spanish, Asian Studies, and Latin American Studies. The department also offers instruction in Chinese and (Brazilian) Portuguese. Additionally, the department is responsible for courses in English as a Second Language and in Linguistics.

The department also participates significantly in the International Business major and the International Leadership Studies major offered by the Department of Business & Economics and the McDonough Center, respectively.

Placement in language courses generally follows the rule that a student with one to two years of a particular language in high school can appropriately enroll in the 101, 102 courses. Students with three to four years should enroll in the 201, 202 courses. Further placement techniques may be used to determine the best level of study.