2019-2020 Catalog and Student Handbook

COVID-19 Alternate Grading Policy

In response to student concerns regarding how their grades might be impacted by the recent changes in the modality of learning as necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic, Marietta College faculty and administration collaborated to modify existing grading policies and to provide more flexibility for students for the Spring 2020 semester. This policy was designed to allow a student to focus on successfully completing a class without worrying about how a letter grade would impact grade point average calculations. However, opting for Pass/No Credit grades does not change the course requirements and students were expected to remain engaged in the course and to complete all requirements.

All undergraduate students will have the option to select a Satisfactory/ Low Pass/No Credit grading option for a maximum of 8 credit hours of Spring 2020 coursework, within the following guidelines:

  • Letter grading will remain the default option for all courses not limited to S/U grading.

  • Faculty will continue to grade all students under standard grading policies outlined in the course syllabus and will submit a letter grade for each enrolled student at the end of the term. Courses currently offered exclusively under the S/U grading option excluded.)

  • For students who select the alternative grading option: Grades of C- or higher will be converted to Satisfactory and D- to D+ will be converted Low Pass. In the case of S and LP grades, credit will be awarded. Grades of F will be converted to No Credit with no credit earned. Neither grade will be included in cumulative or program grade point average calculations.

  • Spring 2020 courses completed with a grade of Satisfactory or Low Pass WILL BE APPLIED to applicable general education, major, minor, and/or certificate requirements.

  • A grade of Satisfactory/ Low Pass/ No Credit may not be used to replace a previous grade in the same course.

  • WRIT 101, WRIT 102, COMM 203, and capstone courses are excluded from the alternative grading option.

  • EDUC Education courses are excluded due to national accreditation restrictions.

  • MUSC, MUED, and MUTH courses are excluded for music-related majors due to national accreditation issues.