2019-2020 Catalog and Student Handbook

Grading system

Midterm and final letter grades and their equivalents in quality points are:

A+ = 4.00 B+ = 3.33 C+ = 2.33 D+ = 1.33
A = 4.00 B = 3.00 C = 2.00 D = 1.00
A - = 3.67 B- = 2.67 C- = 1.67 D- = 0.67
F = 0.00

Grades mean: A, Excellent; B, Good ; C, A verage ; D, Poor, but passing; F, Failure

Other report abbreviations and their meanings are:

I, Incomplete; PNC, Proficiency; S, Satisfactory; U, Unsatisfactory; W, Withdrawn; WF, Withdrawn failing = 0.00; X, Registered, but unevaluated (mid-term grade only); Au, Audit; NR, Not reported; CIP, Course in Progress.

  1. An Incomplete (I) may be given when the student, for reasons beyond his or her control, is unable to complete the work of a course. It may also be given at the end of the first semester in two-semester courses (honors projects, independent study projects, and internships) if the course is unevaluated at the end of the first semester. In all cases neither the grade nor the hours of incomplete are counted in the computation of the semester or cumulative grade point averages.

    An incomplete must be removed prior to the due date of midsemester grades for the semester following receipt of the incomplete unless the course instructor notifies the Records Office this requirement should be waived. Otherwise, the grade of incomplete automatically becomes a grade of F. (Students will not be notified in advance of this automatic grade change.) Incompletes may be extended, by request of the instructor, to the end of the semester following the semester in which the incomplete was first granted. Further extensions would be determined by petition to the Academic Standards Committee.

  2. Failure (F) is given for failure to meet the standards of the course; or failure to complete the work of the course. A student who fails to take the final examination in a course will receive F, unless excused by the Academic Standards Committee.

    If a substantiated case of academic dishonesty results in a failing grade in the course, a student who chooses to withdraw from the course will receive a grade of F.

    Any course for which the grade of F is received may be repeated only under the regular letter grading system.

  3. Withdrawn (W) is an unevaluated grade given for withdrawal:
    1. For medical or other extenuating circumstances at any time during the semester at the discretion of the Registrar.
    2. At the option of the student until the end of the 9th week of the semester after consultation with the instructor of the course, and the student’s academic advisor.
  4. Withdrawn- failing (WF) is a mandatory grade for students who withdraw from a course after the 9th week of the semester and not falling within the conditions of 3(a) above. The WF grade will be counted on the same basis as an F in calculating a student’s grade point average.
  5. Some departmental courses are only graded S/U. Satisfactory means the equivalent of at least C- work, whereas work rated below C- would be graded as Unsatisfactory .

    Courses graded S/U will not be included in the computation of the student’s cumulative grade point average. Only courses with Satisfactory grades will be awarded credit. Any course in which a grade of U is received may be repeated only under the regular letter grading system.

  6. Registered but unevaluated at midsemester (X), is given when the course instructor cannot fairly evaluate a student’s performance for a midsemester grade report.
  7. Any student may elect to audit (AU) a course, that is, to take it for non-credit. When choosing to audit a course, the student is not required to take examinations or meet any of its academic obligations, and no grade is awarded. The student may choose this option until the end of the drop period at the beginning of the semester (second week of class). After this time, the decision is irreversible.
  8. Repeating courses: students are allowed to retake a course at Marietta College at any time.
    1. Any course in which a grade of U or F is received may be repeated only under the regular letter grading system.
    2. Credit for the course will be given only once, and is determined by the most recent grade in each course (if a student retakes a course and receives an F, they lose credit for the course).
    3. The official transcript will show the student’s complete record, but the grade point average will be computed on the basis of the most recent grade in each course. This policy of the College will be noted when a transcript is sent out.
    4. Courses repeated at other institutions do not affect the student’s grade point averages, i.e., cumulative, major, minor, or certificate GPAs.