MGT 736 Strategic Leadership

This course covers the theory and practice ofbuilding and implementing strategies for gainingcompetitive advantage in the global businessenvironment. Emphasis is placed on weighing therisks and rewards of different feasible courses ofaction by thinking through the chain of cause andeffect of each alternative. Students will masterthe theoretical body of knowledge in strategicmanagement as it applies to international business(this includes concepts from classical strategicthinkers and contemporary strategists, e.g.,Mintzberg, Prahalad). Students will acclimatetheir minds to critical analysis as they applytheoretical strategic concepts to actual cases intoday's dynamic and challenging internationalenvironment. Students will develop a deepunderstanding of the four major interconnectinglevels of corporate policy, strategy, operationsand tactics. Also, they will appreciatethe critical role in strategic thinking ofphenomena such as paradigm shifts, riskmanagement, innovation, as well as relevantstrategic military corollaries of war. Conceptstaught at the MBA level will be extended so thatnet assessments will include the intangibles suchas a competitor's genius and his (her) will towin. Lastly, students will gain a capitalappreciation that strategic thinking is ofutmost importance and is highly relevant tosuccess in modern business.
