Spanish B.A. Degree

Courses in Spanish enable the student to learn the Spanish language and become familiar with Hispanic cultures. Majors in Spanish also study the outstanding figures of Spanish and Spanish-American literature and civilization, and are prepared for graduate school, teaching, government service and careers in the private sector. For more information, visit the Foreign Languages web page.

Education Abroad – Education abroad is strongly encouraged for all students for minors and majors. JU has summer programs in Spain and Mexico where all levels of Spanish may be studied.

Course Sequence - It is strongly suggested that language courses be taken in consecutive semesters. If a student receives an “F” in a course, the student must repeat the course before taking the next course in the sequence.

The Spanish major offered as a Bachelor of Arts degree only.

Major Requirements

A major in Spanish consists of a minimum of 27 credit hours in Spanish courses(45 credit hours maximum). SPAN 301 and SPAN 302 are required.

SPAN 301Spanish Conversation


SPAN 302Spanish Composition


SPAN xxxAdditional 21-39 credit hours in Spanish courses numbered above 200


Total Credit Hours:27-45


COMM xxx Any COMM speech-intensive course


COMM 207WINewswriting



ENGL 302WIWriting: Exposition





Total Credit Hours:6

COMM xxx: Satisfies SI requirement

ENGL 304WI: Satisfies WI requirement

Total Credit Hours: 33-51

Minor Requirements

A minor in Spanish requires a minimum of 15 credit hours in courses numbered above 200. Also, SPAN 301 and 302 are required courses:

SPAN 301Spanish Conversation


SPAN 302Spanish Composition


SPAN xxxAdditional nine (9) credit hours in Spanish courses numbered above 200


Total Credit Hours:15

Spanish Major/Minor Important Notes:

  • Students who place at the 300-level on the Spanish placement exam will be awarded six (6) hours of credit for SPAN 201 and SPAN 202 only upon satisfactory completion, with a grade of “C” or better, of a Spanish course on the 300-level. Students who do not subsequently enroll at the 300-level will still have satisfied the Core Curriculum Global Studies requirement for the Bachelor of Arts degree, but without academic credit.
  • Both SPAN 301 and SPAN 302 are required for a major or minor in Spanish. SPAN 301 and SPAN 302 may not be satisfied through credit by examination.
  • A student must complete SPAN 301 or SPAN 302 or obtain the consent of the department before enrolling in more advanced courses. Native speakers of Spanish must have the consent of the instructor before enrolling in SPAN 301 or SPAN 302.

Spanish Education - Secondary Level

Students who plan to teach Spanish on the secondary level should consultation with the School of Education early in their academic careers to determine the specific requirements.