Technical Certificate Programs Catalog 2021-2022

Sales-Management-Technician-(CSAL - Code-801)

The program provides the student with the basic knowledge and skills required by the labor market, including the development of their own business. The integration of the theoretical and practical approach facilitates adequate preparation for the labor market or self-employment. The certificate aims to develop a properly trained technical staff with knowledge and skills in administration, sales, promotion, advertising, marketing, customer service, consumer behavior, cash balance, bank reconciliation and inventory management, among others.

The concentration courses must be passed with a minimum grade of C, and in practice a minimum grade of B is required. You will not be able to start the practice if you have not passed the following courses: CSAL 0110, CSAL 0121 and CSAL 0131.

The San Germán Campus is authorized to offer this Program.

  • Students admitted in or before August 2021 - 25 credits / 960 hours
  • New Students admitted in or after January 2022 - 30 credits / 900 hours


Academic Requirements for the Certificate in Sales Management Technician

First Term

CSAL 110Sales Workshop I


CSAL 121Computer Software Applied to Business I


CSAL 131Management Workshop I



CMED 110Basic Business Spanish



CMED 210Basic Skills in Spanish



CMED 120Basic Business English



CMED 220Basic Skills in English


Second Term

CSAL 210Sales Workshop II


CSAL 210Computer Software Applied to Business II


CSAL 230Management Workshop II


CSAL 291Internship in Administration and Sales


For students enrolled on or before August 2021, in compliance with the past regulations, (34 CFR 668.8 (1) (1) a minimum number of hours in work outside the classroom will be added to the specified hours. The details of the number of hours and the appropriate tasks for each course are defined in the course syllabus.