Graduate Catalog 2021-2022

Specialization in Teaching of Visual Arts

The Master of Education in the Teaching of Visual Arts intends to expand and refine the skills of training teachers and facilitators or supervisors of education through educational experiences that will enable them to expand their knowledge of the Visual Arts teaching and learning processes. It enables graduates of the program to contribute to the education system through curricular revisions and educational innovations targeting an excellent education in the area of Visual Arts. It promotes the development and interest in the arts, the appreciation for the artistic creation and cultural identity of learners. Attached to the art program.

The San German Campus is authorized to offer this program.

Competencies Profile of Graduates

The Master in Education in the Teaching of Visual Arts is designed to develop the skills that enable the student to:


Demonstrate knowledge of:

  1. the philosophical, educational, and social theories that influence the emergence and development of the teaching of Visual Arts.
  2. the theories about the relationship between individuals and society and the functions of art as a mirror of human knowledge.
  3. the use of technology in the development of teaching material, its possibilities as a tool of education and source for the investigation and search for the teaching of Visual Arts.
  4. the construction of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor processes related to visual arts education.


  1. Analyze the philosophical, educational, and social theories that influence the development of the teaching of art.
  2. Critically analyze the theoretical perspectives that help to understand and appreciate the qualities of Visual Arts.
  3. Apply the methods and process research in the teaching of Visual Arts.
  4. Develop educational materials to reinforce the teaching of Visual Arts.
  5. Apply different methodological approaches in the process of the teaching of the arts.


  1. Respect individual differences and show flexibility to consider different factors influencing the artistic expression of the human being.
  2. Appreciate the collaborative work with various sectors of the educational community.
  3. Develop a role of leadership and responsibility in an educational environment of the Visual Arts.

Admission Requirements

In addition to complying with the general admission to graduate program requirements, as provided in the current Graduate Catalogue, to be admitted to this program, the student must have one of the following:

  1. Bachelor in Art Education
  2. Teacher Certification in Visual Arts

If you have a Bachelor in Visual Arts, have passed the following courses:

  1. Statistics
  2. Fundamentals of the Teaching of Art
  3. Method of the Teaching of Arts

If you have a teacher's certificate in another discipline, have passed the following courses:

  1. Statistics
  2. Art History
  3. Drawing
  4. Design
  5. Theory of Color

If you hold a bachelor’s degree in any other specialization, have passed the following courses:

  1. Statistics
  2. Fundamentals of the Teaching of Art
  3. Method of the Teaching of Art
  4. Art History
  5. Drawing
  6. Design
  7. Theory of Color

Requirements for the Master in Education in the Teaching of Visual Arts

Core Education 9 credits
Specialization Requirements *21-24 credits
Total *30-33 credits

Core Education Requirements - 9 credits

EDUC 6931Research or Application Project in the Area of Specialization I


EDUC 6046Curriculum Development


EDUC 6057Teaching Models and Strategies


Specialization Requirements - 21-24 credits*

ARED 5221Evaluation of Teaching and Learning in the Arts


ARED 5301History of Visual Arts Education


ARED 5401Methodology of the Teaching of Visual Arts


ARED 5421Use of Technology in the Teaching of Visual Arts


ARED 5500Visual Arts Education, Culture and Society in Joint Action


ARED 6010Technical Media and Methods for the Teaching of Visual Arts


ARED 6011Bidimensional Media Workshop


ARED 6012Tridimensional Media Workshop


As a requirement for graduation from this program, the student must pass one of the following three methods.

(a) Comprehensive examination

(b) Research project of Education in Visual Arts

(c) Integrative Seminar in Visual Arts

*Students who opt for the research project in Visual Arts education or the Integrative Seminar in Visual Arts Education will complete a total of 33 credits.

ARED 6901Research in Visual Arts Project


ARED 6902Seminar in Visual Arts