Graduate Catalog 2021-2022

Doctorate in Education in Visual Arts (EdD)

The Doctorate in Education in Visual Arts, aims to contribute to the completion of academic training, in the highest level of the area of teaching visual arts. It aims to develop in students a theoretical and practical basis that will help them to systematize and deepen knowledge in their area and in the reality in which we live. The Doctorate in Education in Visual Arts will prepare students for the design of new principles, models, and methods that relate to their field of specialization.

The San German Campus is authorized to offer this program.

Competencies Profile of Graduates

The program is designed to develop the competencies that allow the student to:


Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

  1. the principles and rules applicable to the pedagogical work of the visual arts.
  2. the meanings of specialized languages of visual arts.
  3. the problems that affect the education of the visual arts in educational institutions within and outside the country.
  4. the areas of methodology of research, theory of artistic culture and teaching of the visual arts, in order to give them more theoretical strength in their research and in their professional profile.


  1. Design research projects in the teaching of visual arts.
  2. Design strategies for the transformation of education in visual arts from the critical appreciation of works of art.
  3. Design and evaluate visual arts teaching programs considering changes and new trends in the discipline.
  4. Develop strategies for teaching and learning of visual arts education programs.


  1. Value social commitment and an ethical attitude as a guide to decisions that benefit the visual arts.
  2. Strengthen respect for the personality of learners at any level, in the social, family and academic sphere, in order to promote the personal, socio-cultural, moral, aesthetic, intellectual and affective values through artistic sensitivity.
  3. Assess the development of innovative projects that promote the quality of education in the visual arts.

Admission Requirements

For admission to this program the student must:

  1. Possess a Master of Arts in Education with a specialization in the Teaching of Visual Arts or a
  2. Master in Fine Arts (MFA), or master ‘s degree of a university accredited with an academic average of 3.00.
  3. Present evidence of having passed at the master’s level: statistics, human development and learning, general psychology. and research methods.

    Submit three (3) letters of recommendation from professors, supervisors or others who show academic or professional development of the applicant.

  4. Hold an interview with the Admissions Committee and be recommended by them.

Graduation Requirements

  1. In order to meet the graduation requirements of the Doctorate in Education in Visual Arts, the student must pass:
    1. all courses of the program with a minimum grade of B.
    2. the doctoral comprehensive exam in all its parts (oral and written) for which a maximum of 3 opportunities are given.
    3. the doctoral dissertation.
  2. The director of the program, in common agreement with the student, shall appoint a dissertation committee comprising three members of the faculty, one of these will chair the Committee. The candidate's dissertation committee will have henceforth the role to advise and direct the student until the completion of the dissertation. Before the defense, two other members as readers, will be added. The committee as a whole will recommend the defense of the dissertation.
  3. The student must meet the requirements for the degree within a period of eight (8) years. In meritorious cases, the director of the program may recommend to the relevant authorities to extend the term for a period not to exceed two (2) years.

Requirements of the Doctorate in Education in Visual Arts

Core Requirements 9 credits
Prescribed Distributive Requirements 9 credits
Specialization Requirements 21 credits
Total 39 credits

Core Requirements - 9 credits

The core requirements are divided in two components: Research and Fundaments.

Research Component - 3 credits

ARED 7000Research in Visual Arts Education I


Fundamental Component - 6 credits

Select 6 credits from the following:

ARED 7010Sociocultural Concepts of Artistic Education


ARED 7030Creativity in the Artistic Process


ARED 7065History of Visual Arts Teaching in Puerto Rico


ARED 7080Curriculum Development in Visual Arts Teaching


Prescribed Distributive Requirements - 9 credits

ARED 8960Thesis Seminar in Art Teaching


ARED 8991Dissertation I


ARED 8992Dissertation II


ARED 8991 and ARED 8992: The student will continue to register in the course until all requirements have been completed.

Specialization Requirements - 21 credits

Required Courses - 15 credits

ARED 7055Art Appreciation of Artistic Works in Visual Arts Teaching


ARED 7075Teaching Learning in the Visual Arts


ARED 7510Compared Education: Visual Arts Education


ARED 7520Aesthetics in the Teaching of Visual Arts


ARED 8100Constructionist Analysis of Artistic Knowledge


6 credits selected from the following

ARED 7015Diversity, Visual Culture and Artistic Education


ARED 7070Theories of Art, Culture and Education


ARED 8001Workshop: Appreciation, Expression and Reflection


ARED 8010Emerging Art, Technology and Communication in the Teaching of Visual Arts


ARED 8025Educational Processes of Creative Cognition


EDUC 7050Statistics