General Catalog 2021-2022

Special Topics

Special Topic courses permit the offering of courses that enrich student academic development. These offerings may be made when special circumstances or rare events occur or when an outstanding specialist in the field is available for teaching the course.

Special Topics are governed by the following norms:

  1. Special topics may be offered for a value of from 1 to 6 credits per course.
  2. The course must be authorized by the Department Chairperson and Division Dean or the Dean of Academic Affairs.
  3. The titles of the special topic courses will appear on student transcripts.
  4. Special topics in all disciplines are identified by the combination 197 or 397 in the first three digits (197 Associate Degrees; 397 Bachelors’ Degrees).
  5. Regular courses described in this Catalog may not be taken as Special Topics.
  6. A maximum of six credits will be accredited toward a degree at the University.