General Catalog 2021-2022

Individual Research

Courses of Individual Research offer students the opportunity to undertake a definite project of formal research. Students will work under the guidance of a full-time faculty member with the minimum rank of Assistant Professor.

This type of study is characterized by increased individual responsibility and research initiative required of the student.

Student desiring to take a course through individual research and who meet the requirements presented below, must draw up with the professor the official contract in which the nature of the project and the activities the students propose to carry out are clearly defined.

The contract must be approved by the Department Chairperson and the Division Dean or the Dean of Academic Affairs. To undertake Individual Research, students must abide by the following:

  1. Only students who have completed 90 or more credits towards their Bachelor’s Degree (or 75% of the required credits towards their Associate Degree) with a minimum overall grade point index of 3.00 may opt for individual research courses.
  2. Bachelor Degree students are limited to a maximum of six credit hours and Associate Degree students are limited to a maximum of three credit hours of Individual Research to be applied toward their degree at the University.
  3. Regular courses in this Catalog may not be taken as Individual Research courses.
  4. Individual Research courses will be identified with a special code.
  5. Each Individual Research course must be completed during the term in which the student is enrolled.