General Catalog 2021-2022

Student Academic and Personal Files

Student academic and personal files are confidential and the release or handling of information contained in them is limited to certain faculty and administrative personnel who, in the regular performance of their functions, have to work with these files. Once the documents required by the University are received, they become the exclusive property of the Institution. Students have the right to examine their academic or personnel file at any moment in the presence of an official of the Office of the Registrar. They may not make copies of the documents contained in their files, except in the cases explained below.

The information contained in the academic files may be released to parents of dependent students. Parents must present evidence of their condition as father or mother, as well as the dependency of the student through the presentation of relevant documentation. The information contained in the academic or personal files may not be released to students’ parents in any other cases.

The release of information contained in the academic or personal files of students to third parties, to any type of institution, to government or judicial agencies will only be made with written authorization from the student or in compliance with an order to this effect issued by the competent authority.

Transcripts, study certification and certification of degrees are available to students who may obtain them in the Office of the Registrar. The cost of each transcript is published in the Official Institutional Cost Bulletin.

Transcripts requested for transfer to another educational institution, for continuing graduates’ studies, completing the requirements of certifying agencies or for the purpose of employment are sent directly to the address provided by the student in the request. In no case will transcripts requested for these purposes be delivered to the student.

The request for transcripts by students whose files are active will be processed within a reasonable time that under normal circumstances should not exceed ten days from the date on which the request was received in the Office of the Registrar. The requests for transcription of students whose files are inactive require a longer time to be processed.