Grades are due 48 hours after the last exam or meeting time and are awarded according to the following scale:
A: indicates original or independent thinking, a command of the interrelationships within the subject, the ability to apply the principles learned, a mastery of the subject matter and clarity of expression. Grade points per credit: A = 4.0, A- = 3.7.
B: indicates a mastery of the subject matter, an understanding of the fundamentals and their interrelationships, the ability to apply that knowledge and to express it clearly. Grade points per credit: B+ = 3.3, B = 3.0, B- = 2.7.
C: indicates an acceptable knowledge of the course content, an understanding of the fundamental principles and a reasonable ability to apply them. Grade points per credit: C+ = 2.3, C = 2.0, C- = 1.7.
D: indicates minimal knowledge and understanding of the course content, with a limited ability to apply the principles learned. Grade points per credit: D+ = 1.3, D = 1.0, D- = 0.7.
F: indicates that the work was not satisfactorily completed. Grade points per credit: F = 0.0.
I: at the discretion of the instructor, a grade of incomplete may be issued. An incomplete grade indicates that the coursework was incomplete at the end of the term and that the instructor granted additional time to complete the work or additional time was required for grading practices. It should be understood that incompletes are issued for a number of reasons and do not necessarily indicate negligence on the part of the student and are issued at the discretion of the instructor. For the student to receive credit for the course, all work must be completed by one of the following dates, or by an earlier date as set by the instructor: Spring and Summer Term Courses-October 30. Fall and January term Courses-March 30. If a grade is not submitted by the appropriate date, a grade of “F” will be recorded. Note that outstanding incomplete grades are immediately converted to “F” upon dismissal or withdrawal from the institution if not resolved prior to the hiatus being issued. The grade of I is not to be awarded in place of a failing grade, to intentionally delay graduation certification or issuance of a hiatus, or when the student is expected to repeat the course; in such cases, a grade other than I must be assigned. A grade of I will only be issued upon submission of an Incomplete Explanation Form to the Office of the Registrar.
P: Pass. Indicates that the work was satisfactorily completed.
N: Not-Pass. Indicates that the work was not satisfactorily completed.
Physical education and Wick 101 courses are graded on a Passed (P), Not Passed (N) basis and do not count toward the 120 academic credits required for a degree.
Additional grades:
X: indicates non-attendance in a course. The student must show to the satisfaction of the Committee on Academic Standards that he or she never attended the course or stopped attending the course and failed to withdraw with proper administrative processing. “X” does not count in the total credits attempted and does not factor in to the grade point average.
W: indicates that the student withdrew from the course by the end of the ninth week of the term for a Fall or Spring term course or by the end of the third week for a January Term course. Each instructor must provide every student with an evaluation of progress in the course so that the student may evaluate his or her status prior to the deadline for withdrawal. Withdrawals after the deadline are not permitted unless approved by the Committee on Academic Standards. “W” does not count in the total of credits attempted and does not factor in to the grade point average.
PND: used when no grade has been submitted by the instructor. The grade is pending. PND grades are used sparingly and only when extenuating circumstances prevent the instructor from issuing a final grade. A letter grade must be submitted by the instructor within one week of being issued or the PND grade will convert to an F.
AU: indicates a student has audited a course.
In addition to the grades and quality points referred to above, a faculty member may write a commentary concerning the student’s work in a class. Such statements must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar in writing; only then will they be incorporated as part of the transcript. Grades receiving comment are indicated with a ‘*’ on the transcript.
Grade Appeal
A student should have protection against prejudicial and capricious grading. The following policy is established for reviewing complaints about end-of-term grades: the student shall first consult the professor and Department Chair; if no agreement is reached, the student may then bring the case to the Committee on Academic Standards. The Committee shall serve as a review board and, if a change seems justified, the Committee shall be empowered to recommend a change of grade to the professor.