Academic Suspension

Students failing all courses any semester with 12 or more credits (6 or more credits for May Term, Summer I and Summer II collectively) will be suspended immediately (no probation period). Students will have a chance to appeal to the Suspension Appeals Committee if they choose to do so.

Any student on academic probation whose cumulative grade point average falls below the appropriate level indicated below will be placed on academic suspension for the following long semester:

 Semester Credits Attempted at HSU  Required G.P.A.
12-32 1.40
33-48 1.60
49 or more 1.80

No students under suspension may represent the University at any time.

A student notified of academic suspension who has earned a grade point average of 2.50 or better in his/her last twelve semester credits of work attempted may apply to the Vice President of Academic Affairs for an extension of probation in lieu of suspension.

Work completed by students while on academic suspension is not transferable to Hardin-Simmons University. A student on first suspension may be readmitted to the University at the conclusion of the suspension period, which terminates at the end of the first long semester. A student on second suspension who wishes to be readmitted to the University must make formal application to the University Registrar. Accordingly, the suspension period for such a student (which must include at least one long semester) is effectively extended until a favorable decision is rendered by the Appeals Committee. In no instance is a student to assume that readmission is automatic after having been placed on suspension a second time for failure to meet minimum academic standards.

A third suspension is final, and a student placed on academic suspension for a third time will not be readmitted to the University.

Withdrawing from the university in consecutive long semesters (fall, spring) will result in a review of satisfactory progress towards a degree. According to federal and university guidelines, students not demonstrating progress towards a degree are not eligible for financial aid.