Concurrent Enrollment

Concurrent enrollment is not permitted except as provided for below:

  1. An HSU student who must take a specific course in a given semester, but who, due to unavoidable conflicts or other circumstances making it impossible for the student to enroll, cannot do so at HSU, may enroll for that course concurrently at Abilene Christian University or McMurry University. Work taken by an HSU student at these Intercollege institutions is treated in the same manner as HSU work with respect to acceptance of credit and the calculation of grade point averages. Only if it is not possible for the student to enroll for the course at one of the Intercollege institutions may the student be approved to enroll for the course concurrently at a non-Intercollege institution, in which case the grade received will not affect the student’s grade point average at HSU, and the student must make a grade of C or better in order for the course to transfer to HSU. Students seeking approval to enroll concurrently at a junior college should be aware that  no work will be transferred from a junior college after the student has completed a total of 66 semester credits, regardless of where those 66 credits have been earned.
  2. Students enrolled at other institutions may be permitted to enroll concurrently at HSU for courses not in the catalog of the student’s home institution.