Undergraduates Registering For Graduate Courses

Under limited circumstances, seniors may register for a limited number of graduate-level courses either to count toward the completion of the undergraduate degree plan, or to count above and beyond the required number of hours for the undergraduate degree requirements. Only six hours of graduate credit may be taken to count toward completion of undergraduate degree requirements. Graduate hours taken above and beyond the requirements of the undergraduate degree plan are eligible to count toward future graduate degree work (see Graduate Catalog for more information).

In both cases, the student must have the necessary prerequisite course work and the written permissions of the undergraduate advisor, the graduate program advisor, and the Dean of the college the course is offered. The Dean’s permission will be based on review of the undergraduate academic record and evidence of the student’s ability to succeed in graduate level course work.

Undergraduate registration in graduate courses may only be completed in the Registrar’s Office. Students are required to submit this permission form with all required signatures for registration.