Theatre Program

Department Head

Larry Wheeler


HSU Box 14864


F. Larry Wheeler, M.A.B.S., Associate Professor, Technical Director

Victoria Spangler, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Artistic Director


The mission of Hardin-Simmons University Theatre is to provide a broad-based education in the core areas of theatre. Directing, Performing, Design and Technical Theatre, Theatre History, and Theatre Education while supporting and incorporating Christian faith. The Department aims to foster dedication and passion in our theatre students and provide the intellectual and experiential resources to excel in educational, community, regional and professional theatre endeavors.

The Department of Theatre serves to prepare students for professional careers in theatre, teaching at the secondary level or graduate level study in theatre. It provides undergraduates with the opportunity to examine various theories and styles of the theatre, offering opportunities to experience creatively and critically the artistic skills of this discipline.

Departmental goals are (1) to establish and support a viable, substantial, and well-rounded undergraduate theatre program; (2) to conscientiously encourage theatre students to explore all career options in theatre including teaching, directing, performance, design, technical theatre, stage management, and arts management; (3) to support Christian faith in the creation and pursuit of the arts; (4) to help the student realize his/her potential in becoming an intelligent, responsible citizen as well as creative, responsive adult.

In addition to the required coursework, a Theatre Exit Exam is required of all theatre majors during the final semester of their senior year. The graduating theatre major will take an examination administered by the department to measure overall intellectual proficiency on all facets of his/her theatre education. This exam is scheduled during the last two or three weeks before graduation.

Senior Showcases-Students are encouraged to present a final project during their senior year. This capstone experience may be in the form of a performance, directing project, or demonstration of skills acquired in light, scenic or costume design, stage management, etc., depending on a student’s area of expertise. This public performance/demonstration project will be developed independently and is not intended to satisfy requirements for any required course, with the exception of BFA candidates in Acting and Design/Theatre Technology, which are required to present a Senior Showcase. BFA candidates in Musical Theatre are encouraged to prepare and present a Senior Showcase/Recital. Dates and locations for these Showcases must be coordinated with the theatre faculty and the performance calendar.

Theatre majors and minors are expected to participate in the Department of Theatre productions in Van Ellis Theatre (Refer to the Departmental Handbook)

Theatre Degrees

There are three degrees available to the undergraduate theatre major at Hardin Simmons University: the Bachelor of Arts, the Bachelor of Behavioral Sciences and the Bachelor of Fine Arts. The BA and BBS are general studies degrees in theatre and require the addition of a minor in a field of the student’s choosing. The BFA also targets general studies in theatre but requires the student to select a specific field of study that meets their particular interest or talent.
Bachelor of Arts

The BA degree prepares and qualifies the student for professional careers in theatre and theatre education. Students will receive a well-rounded education in all aspects of theatre. This will prepare them for further study in graduate school or, by taking the required courses in Education, prepare them for the classroom as a teacher. The BA is preferred to those theatre majors who wish to pursue a Master of Arts and eventually a Ph.D. The BA student will take two years of foreign language as part of their general education requirements and will select a minor in an area that is of specific interest to them.
Bachelor of Behavioral Science

The BBS degree prepares and qualifies the student for professional careers in theatre and theatre education. Students will receive a well-rounded education in all aspects of theatre. This will prepare them for further study in graduate school or, by taking the required course in Education, prepare them for the classroom as a teacher. The BBS student will take additional courses in the social science as part of their general education requirements in lieu of a foreign language component and will select a minor in an area that is of specific interest to them.
Bachelor of Fine Arts-5 tracs: Acting, Musical Theatre, Design, Stage Management, Theatre Education

The BFA degree prepares and qualifies the student for professional careers in theatre and theatre education. Students will receive a well-rounded education in all aspects of theatre, but an area of theatre specialization will be selected. The BFA student will take one year of foreign language and will select an area of specialization from the following tracks: acting, musical theatre, stage management, theatre education, or design/technology. No minor is required in this degree. While receiving training in all areas of theatre through the theatre core curriculum, the BFA student will receive intensive training in a particular area of theatre that matches the interest and talent of the student. The BFA is considered a professional degree and an industry/academic standard. It is recommended for those theatre majors who wish to pursue a Master of Fine Arts and it also provides more courses and in-depth preparation for those going into professional theatre. BFA degrees in Acting and Design require a senior showcase. BFA students are also required to participate more fully in the production and performance of plays staged by the department. Participation and progress of BFA candidates will be reviewed periodically in order to evaluate the growth and development of the student and maintain the integrity of the program. For specific requirements leading to all five tracks, please refer to the degree plans following this portion of the catalog.

For BFA Musical Theatre Majors: The Sophomore Barrier in voice will be assessed at the end of the second semester of Voice 2121. The BFA Musical Theatre voice student must be able to demonstrate the following: good breath management and support techniques; the ability to sing with musical accuracy in a tone and style appropriate to the repertoire; the ability to establish and maintain character with strong, active objectives; and an effective delivery of physical expression in performance inclusive of focus, gesture, posture and movement. Students pursuing voice studies for BFA degree must demonstrate the ability to sing in belt, mix, and legit (classical) styles. The Sophomore Barrier may be attempted no more than tree times. After the third attempt the student will no longer be able to continue in the BFA Musical Theatre track.

Theatre Minor

Theatre may be used as a minor with any major on the BA and BBS degrees. Requirements for this minor are listed at the end of this section.

The Department of Theatre is a member of the Texas Educational Theatre Association, Texas Non-Profit Theatre Association, Kennedy Center American Collegiate Theatre Festival, International Collegiate Theatre Festival, Festival of New American Musicals and has a student chapter of the Alpha Psi Omega National Dramatic Fraternity.

Teacher Preparation Program

Students seeking teacher certification in theatre should refer to the Irvin School of Education section of this Catalog for Texas certification requirements. Required courses for a Grade 8-12 standard certificate include the following: 43 semester credits consisting of THEA 1333, 2303, 2334, 2335, 3337, 3338, 3339, 4303, 4337, 4341, 4345, 4346, 4372 (BFA only) and four semester credits from 1131, 1132, 1133, 1134. A student who is seeking certification must meet with the HSU Certification Officer in Abilene Hall as soon as he/she declares theatre as a teaching field. All students seeking certification must be formally admitted to the HSU Teacher Preparation Program, preferably during the sophomore year. Admission requirements can be obtained in the office of the Dean of the College of Human Sciences and Educational Studies located in Abilene Hall.