Department of History

Head of Department

Dr. Donathan Taylor
Box 16125


Tiffany Fink, Ph.D., Professor
Donathan Taylor, Ph.D., Professor
Richard Traylor, Ph.D., Professor

The Department of History seeks to provide a dynamic learning environment for the exploration of our collective human past in all its rich dimensions. The Department of History offers major and minor programs leading to the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Behavioral Science degrees. The experienced faculty members of the department are available to assist students throughout their academic journey at HSU.


The Department of History has four main objectives (1) to contribute to the liberal arts experience and general education of the student; (2) to give students a fundamental knowledge and understanding of the social, political, cultural , and religious movements, and the most influential people, scientific discoveries, and technological advances as well as the major events which have shaped human history; (3) to prepare students to meet the challenges of teaching in the public schools; (4) to prepare students to meet the challenges of graduate study at an accredited institution of higher learning.

An education in history can provide students with the multiple skills necessary to prepare them not only as citizens but as educators, information managers, writers, editors and businesspeople as well as for law school and further graduate work in history.

Note: CLEP for history courses for history majors or minors is not accepted.

Teacher Preparation Programs

History majors seeking certification for grades 7-12 must successfully meet the following requirements to be eligible to student teach and sit for the TExES prior to graduation:

  1. complete admission into teacher preparation program and complete program requirements.
  2. successfully complete the practice TExES administered by the Irvin School of Education
  3. demonstrate a cumulative GPA of 2.8 in all History courses

Students seeking teacher Preparation in Social Studies (composite) and/or History for Grades 7-12 should refer to the Irvin School of Education section of this catalog for Teacher Preparation Requirements.


Objectives - Geography is offered to give the student an opportunity to learn more about the world. GEOG 3301 is required for the Social Studies Composite major as well as elementary teacher preparation students. History certification students will take 3301 (cross-listed as HIST 3307), and all history majors are encouraged to take it.