College of Fine Arts


Robert Tucker


HSU Box 16230

The College of Fine Arts offers programs of instruction in the visual and performing arts. In addition to degree programs, the College of Fine Arts supports the Foundational Curriculum which requires that all students receive instruction in fine arts. Students may choose from any area of art, music or theatre to fulfill the fine arts requirement.

The College of Fine Arts offers the following degree programs:

Bachelor of Arts

Art Education
Art General Studio
Art Graphic Design
Music (Music Business)

Bachelor of Behavioral Science


Bachelor of Fine Arts

Art 3-D
Art Graphic Design
Art Painting and Drawing
Art Photography
Art Printmaking
Theatre – Acting
Theatre – Education
Theatre – Musical Theatre
Theatre – Stage Management
Theatre – Theatre Design

Bachelor of Music

Music Education – Choral or Instrumental
Theory and Composition

Students may also choose a minor from art, music, music theory or theatre.