The Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Logsdon School of Theology


Dr. Robert R. Ellis

325- 670-5841

HSU Box 16235


Larry Baker, Th.D., Professor of Pastoral Ministry
Robert R. Ellis, Ph.D., Phillips Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament
Kelvin Kelley, D. Min., Associate Professor of Theology
Randall Maurer Ph.D., Professor of Psychology and Family Ministry
Larry McGraw, Ph.D., Associate Dean School of Theology
Kelly Pigott, Ph.D., Professor of Church History
Susan M. Pigott, Ph.D., Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew
Dan R. Stiver, Ph.D., Professor of Theology
Meredith Stone, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Christian Ministry and Scripture
Myles Werntz, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Christian Ethics and Practical Theology

The school is named for Charles and Koreen Logsdon of Abilene, former students, long-time friends, and benefactors of Hardin-Simmons University. The school was established in 1982 in memory of Mr. Logsdon, who died in October 1981. Mr. Logsdon’s service as a trustee for 15 years was marked by quiet, dedicated, effective service to his alma mater, from which he graduated in 1928. Mrs. Logsdon attended Hardin-Simmons in 1928-32. As an expression of her love for the school and in fulfillment of her husband’s wishes, she made the largest gift in Hardin-Simmons University history to that date to establish the Logsdon School of Theology.

Logsdon offers several paths to help students to discover their call:

Biblical Studies Major (B.A)

At the heart of Logsdon’s approach to scripture is the celebration of its transformative power. Scripture is not simply a textbook. It is a dynamic, living Word that speaks to each generation. Come join in learning what it is saying in today’s generation.The Biblical Studies major in Logsdon provides students with a strong foundation in Christian Scripture. It prepares students at a basic level for ministry in and through the church and equips them for more advanced study in a graduate program.

Through this Biblical Studies major, the student will:
• Learn how the Bible developed
• Discover the history and culture of the biblical world
• Be equipped to interpret Scripture in its context
• Discover the relevance of the Bible for today’s world
• Be equipped to communicate the message of Scripture
• Learn how to read the Bible in its original languages.

Ministry Major (B.B.S and B.A)

At Logsdon, we strive to help our students to be formed into God’s image so that they might serve all created in God’s image. Whether in the church or in the community, we are committed to helping students find their place in joining God’s redemptive work.

The ministry major at Logsdon School of Theology equips women and men called to join God’s work in the world through a ministry vocation.

Through this ministry major the student will:
• Develop critical skills for interpreting the Bible and applying its message
• Construct a foundation in theology, church history, and Christian ethics
• Imagine how to engage in contextual ministry
• Learn ministry practices in an experiential manner
• Integrate theological reflection in the practice of ministry
• Experience contextualized learning through mentoring in an internship

Theological Studies Major (B.A.)

At Logsdon, we understand learning to be a collaborative effort. We lead students to engage the great questions of faith and equip them for a journey of discovering, “Who am I?,” “Who is God?,” and “Who is my neighbor?” Students at Logsdon are grounded in the traditions of Scripture and Christian theology and are prepared to be innovative ministers in a rapidly changing world. Out of their rich experience, both in academics and in the church, the first priority of Logsdon faculty is to teach and mentor the next generation of ministers.

The major in Theological Studies prepares students to engage the world theologically and ethically in order to serve in a wide variety of ministry careers, while also preparing them for advanced study in competitive graduate programs. The Theological Studies major is the most recognized major among graduate schools and will prepare students not only to go on and get advanced degrees, but also to be equipped for challenging and creative ministries, such as non-profit organizations or the arts.

Through this Theological Studies major, the student will:
• Learn methods of biblical interpretation
• Learn to read the Bible in its original languages.
• Study the history of the church
• Study key figures and movements in theology
• Learn to analyze and critique current ethical and theological trends
• Learn to articulate their own theological and religious perspective
• Learn to communicate historical, theological and religious topics to a broad audience
• Develop skills in research, writing and critical thinking.

Worship Ministry Major (B.B.S)

Kierkegaard wrote, “Worship isn't God's show. God is the audience. God's watching. The congregation, they are the actors in this drama. Worship is their show. And the minister is just reminding the people of their forgotten lines.”

The worship ministry degree is designed for persons who are preparing for worship leadership. Since many worship minsters are called upon for other pastoral duties, this major also equips the student for a variety of ministry roles. The major involves significant coursework both in theology and in music, and so students in this major will not have a minor.

Through the worship major, the student will:
• Develop leadership skills for planning and organizing a worship ministry
• Develop critical skills for interpreting the Bible and applying its message
• Learn ministry practices in an experiential manner
• Be equipped in basic music skills
• Develop a theology of worship
• Study the history and theology of the church and music

Biblical Languages Minor

The Biblical Languages Minor in Logsdon will prepare students to read the scriptures in the original languages of Hebrew and Greek. Students who pursue this minor take one year in Hebrew and two years in Greek. This minor provides a foundation for translating the scripture for the student. In addition, the Biblical Languages Minor fulfills the language requirement for the B.A. Degree.

Although numerous English translations of the Bible exist today, no translation can communicate the wonderful complexities of the original Hebrew and Greek. The pleasure that comes from personally translating an entire book of the Bible is simply incomparable.

Through this minor, the student will
• Learn to translate the Old Testament from the original Hebrew
• Lean to translate the New Testament from the original Greek
• Develop critical skills for interpreting the Bible and applying its messag

Religion Minor

The religion minor in Logsdon provides academic involvement for students who major in other areas of the University. Students have the freedom to select the courses which will address the dynamics of their area of life for which they are preparing.

Through this minor the students will
• Learn basic understanding of the scripture.
• Construct the foundation for dealing with life issues.
• Supplement vocational preparation with a faith based understanding.