Department of Foreign Languages

(French, German, and Spanish)

(For Greek and Hebrew courses see Logsdon School of Theology)

Director of Foreign Languages

Dr. Rosario Hall


HSU Box 16206


Rosario Hall, Ph.D., Associate Professor

A working knowledge of a second language serves as an important means of expanding communication among peoples and transcends cultural barriers so, in an increasingly interdependent world and global workplace, can be vital to success in one’s profession. Additionally, second language study promotes greater diversity of thought in all disciplines and deepens appreciation of one’s native tongue.

The Department of Foreign Languages offers a minor for the study of Spanish as well as two years of study in German and French. All students are encouraged to fuse second language work with their major and minor concentrations of study, whether for elective credit or for credit towards the Foreign Language requirement in the Bachelor of Arts degree.

Note: No correspondence work or online work will be counted toward foreign language credit. No correspondence or online work may be taken for 1301, 1302, 2301, 2302. Four semesters (two years) of study in a foreign language is required for some degrees. However, if a student demonstrates proficiency at the intermediate level, whether by satisfactory performance in appropriate course work or by a departmental examination or by a standardized college-level examination, he/she shall be regarded as having satisfied the foreign language requirement on the Bachelor of Arts degree. See 'Academic programs And Policies' for the regulations for Credit by Examination with special attention to regulations #4 and #5.

Audits are not permitted in Foreign Language.


To prepare students with a foundation of grammar, vocabulary, syntax, and literary analysis;

To develop audio-oral skills in the modern foreign languages;

To increase student abilities to communicate in oral and written expression;

To develop the interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational modes of communication;

To increase the student’s knowledge and understanding of the target culture;

To exercise using a wide range of resources in pursuit of knowledge for independent research;

To offer opportunity for students to process information and knowledge which enrich a student’s values, attitudes, and perspectives;

To understand traditional approaches to the study of modern languages and literature as well as current and changing methodologies;

To foster connections with other disciplines;

To develop insights into the nature of languages other than English by comparison of an additional language with one's first language;

To encourage Foreign Language students to develop a sense of community by participation in the university community and in the world at large with service and communication;

To prepare students for advanced study in the language and/or professions in which the knowledge of foreign language is a primary or a value-added component.

Haggerton Language Laboratory

Through a generous donation from the Haggerton Estate, the Department of Foreign Languages offers foreign language students the many features of its state-of-the-art multimedia language facility. Students in ALL first-year language classes are expected to complete a minimum of one hour of language lab per week. Upper-level students will use the lab as required by the professor to practice communication skills, to do research, and to learn more about the culture of the language being studied. All students are encouraged to spend time in the laboratory for language review or improvement. The Haggerton Language Laboratory schedule is posted each semester on the bulletin board next to the lab, in class syllabi, and Canvas.

Study Abroad

Students are encouraged to consider the Study Abroad opportunity offered at the University of Salamanca in Salamanca, Spain. No other study abroad in Spanish will be accepted for course credit unless previously approved by the Department of Foreign Language.


Students are encouraged to consider an internship in Spain under the auspices of the Embassy of Spain or at the University of Salamanca. See Department Head for details.