Acton MBA in Entrepreneurship, MBAE

Mr. Mike Monhollon , Program Director

A full-time MBAE housed on its own campus in Austin, Texas, featuring a curriculum based on Harvard-style case discussions and the cohort approach to business education. For information contact the Kelley College of Business.



Entrepreneurship Courses

First Semester

MBAE 6301Discovery


MBAE 6302Cash and Valuation I


MBAE 6303Customers I


MBAE 6305Operations I


MBAE 6301: Introduces students to Life of Meaning course by taking them through a process of personal and professional discovery. Students will begin to discover a “calling” by exploring their talents, passions, and most deeply held beliefs and then set concrete goals that lead to lives full of meaningful contributions to others.

MBAE 6302: Teaches students how to measure, coordinate and control how costs, profits and cash flow will change with volume and accurately report actual results to others.

MBAE 6303: Teaches students how to listen to customers, manage a sales team and analyze a market so they can predict and achieve revenue targets.

MBAE 6305: Teaches students how to make and deliver products that satisfy a customer’s needs as effectively and efficiently as possible, including lessons on the difficulties of managing operations in the real world.

Second Semester

MBAE 6306Raising Money


MBAE 6307Opportunity


MBAE 6308Launch


MBAE 6309Growth


MBAE 6310Harvest


MBAE 6312Life of Meaning


MBAE 6313Cash and Valuation II


MBAE 6314Customers II


MBAE 6315Operations II


MBAE 6321People


MBAE 6306: Teaches students how to fund a business by raising the right amount of money, from the right people, at the right time, in the right form, at the lowest possible cost.

MBAE 6307: Teaches students how to recognize attractive opportunities, determine the skills and assets required to succeed and honestly answer whether an opportunity fits their own talents, dreams, and lifelong goals.

MBAE 6308: Teaches students how to gather the people and assets needed to launch a successful venture, craft a deal that adds value for all and survive the first year of operations.

MBAE 6309: Teaches students to develop the systems, boundaries, and milestones that encourage sustainable growth.

MBAE 6309: Teaches students to “begin with the end in mind.” This course is designed to give you the tools, skills and judgement to pick the right time to sell or exit your business, decide what it is worth, design a process to attract the right buyers and close the sale.

MBAE 6312: Our flagship course puts students in the shoes of real entrepreneurs as they face excruciating dilemmas throughout the lifecycle of a business: choosing an opportunity, launching a business, growing it and harvesting the rewards.

MBAE 6313: Takes students on an advanced journey into financial concepts, including GAP and cash-based accounting, as well as corporate valuations, financial modeling and financial communications.

MBAE 6314: Teaches students how to listen to customers, manage a sales team, and analyze a market so they can predict and achieve revenue targets.

MBAE 6315: Teaches students sophisticated operational processes, by putting students in the shoes of entrepreneurs trying to optimize internal processes.

MBAE 6321: Give students hands-on experience in hiring, evaluating, coaching, and firing people so they can learn to lead an entrepreneurial team.

Total Credit Hours: 42