Admission Policy

The University reserves the right to deny admission, suspend, or refuse readmission to any student who does not fully comply with admission procedures, whose application gives evidence that the student would find the aims and objectives of the University incompatible with his/her lifestyle, who does not meet his/her financial obligations to the University in a manner satisfactory to the University Controller, or whose admission or continued enrollment is deemed to be undesirable for any reason. The University reserves the right to refuse or cancel a student’s admission or to direct his/her activities in the University if the student’s physical and/or mental health status indicates that such action is essential for safeguarding fellow students, faculty and staff. However, no student shall be denied admission, suspended, or refused readmission by reason of race, age, physical or academic disability, color, sex, national origin, or religion.

Full Admission

Hardin-Simmons University admits to its graduate degree programs applicants who exhibit potential to succeed in an academically challenging graduate environment. Admission requires the endorsement of the program director and approval of the dean of the school or college that houses the academic program. Their decisions are based upon evaluation of the applicant’s undergraduate transcript and additional criteria which may include standardized test scores (GRE, GMAT, and/or TOEFL), professional experience, personal and professional references, essays or writing samples, and interviews with the program director. Since the purposes and demands of the programs vary, each program establishes its own application requirements. These requirements are stated at the beginning of the degree program sections of this catalog.

In the evaluation of applications, substantial weight is normally given to the undergraduate academic record and, when required, standardized test scores. Each application, however, is evaluated individually and careful consideration is given to applicants who present other evidence of graduate potential. Applicants who have recently completed undergraduate work, for example, may expect that their academic record will serve as the principal indicator of graduate potential. Alternatively, applicants who have had time to establish a record of effective professional experience beyond their undergraduate experience may expect that to be given significant consideration as well.

Provisional Admission

Applicants whose materials are difficult to evaluate, lack the required materials, or necessary undergraduate prerequisites may be admitted provisionally. Students granted provisional admission may earn full admission upon the completion of 12 hours of graduate study with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 and/or the completion of all undergraduate prerequisite work. Students who have been granted provisional admission for a graduate degree program must receive full admission in order to continue beyond 12 hours of graduate study, unless otherwise specified by individual program. International students are not eligible for provisional admission.

Post Graduate

This is a special status for students who neither apply to nor are admitted to any graduate degree

or certificate program but wish to take a limited number of courses. In order to be granted postgraduate admission, the student must submit a transcript showing possession of an undergraduate degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher education.

Students who wish to complete a second undergraduate degree should apply through Enrollment Services. Those who wish to begin or complete teacher certification should apply to the university through the Office of Admission; they will also apply for Teacher Certification and register for classes through the Irvin School of Education. All other postgraduate students should apply online and register in the Office of Admission.

No student classified as postgraduate may take more than 12 graduate hours before receiving provisional or full admission unless enrolled in a certificate program. Postgraduate status does not imply admission to any graduate degree program and most are not eligible for financial aid. International students are not eligible for this status.

Admission into 2 Graduate Programs

Graduate students are not allowed to be admitted into 2 programs concurrently. However, exceptions can be made with Graduate Council approval.


Official notification of admission or non-admission is communicated solely by the Office of Admission.


Students wishing to appeal an admission decision should first consult with the program director. If the student is not satisfied, an appeal may be made to the dean of the school or college that houses the academic program, then to the Graduate Council, and finally to the provost.


At the beginning of the fall term, the Office of Graduate Studies conducts a student orientation for new graduate students. During this time, graduate school policies and procedures are explained and representatives from Graduate Studies, the Alumni Association, Information Management, Student Life and the Library introduce services available to graduate students and discuss important policies, procedures, and deadlines. All new graduate students are invited to attend.

Applicants with Disabilities

Hardin-Simmons University complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 regarding students with disabilities. Eligible students seeking accommodations should contact the coordinator as soon as possible in the academic term which they are seeking accommodations. The coordinator shall prepare letters to appropriate faculty members concerning specific, reasonable academic adjustments for the student. The student is responsible for delivering accommodation letters and conferring with faculty members. The coordinator shall consult with the student and with HSU faculty and staff to ensure delivery of appropriate support services and shall serve as liaison between the student and the faculty member as needed.


A student applying for admission to audit a class must complete an application, submit the $50 application fee, a student health form and furnish a letter of permission from the instructor of the course. There is a $50 per semester-hour audit fee. Students over the age of 65 can audit courses at no charge. The audit application is processed in the Office of the Registrar.