Grievance Process

City University of Seattle has created the following procedure to provide an effective and acceptable way to bring to the University’s attention any equal opportunity, non-discrimination, disciplinary or conduct-related problems and complaints. The procedure helps identify and eliminate legitimate causes for dissatisfaction and enables students to file grievances without fear of retribution or prejudice. The procedure is separate from and applies to all issues other than grades.

The grievance filing procedure is as follows:

  1. The aggrieved party contacts the Vice President of Student Services or designee as soon as a problem is recognized.
  2. The aggrieved party and the Vice President of Student Services or designee meet and an appropriate form is provided for the aggrieved party.
  3. Once the form is completed, the Vice President of Student Services or designee conducts an investigation and prepares a report of findings.
  4. The Vice President of Student Services or designee reviews the findings with the aggrieved party’s department head and the University’s executive team.
  5. Within ten days the outcome of these reviews will be shared with the aggrieved party.
  6. In the event of any apparently irreconcilable conflict, a three person board comprised of non-involved faculty, staff and a member of the aggrieved party’s peer group (such as another student) will be appointed to review the grievance and attempt conciliation. The board’s written recommendation, of which the aggrieved party will receive a copy, will be prepared within ten (10) additional working days for review by the President of the University.
  7. When the appropriate action has been determined, all parties involved will be informed of the decision in writing. Finally, a follow-up procedure will be developed to ensure the action that was agreed on is carried out accordingly.

Documentation of all proceedings will be held in strictest confidence and maintained in a confidential file.

It is the responsibility of all City University of Seattle faculty and staff to refer a student grievance to the Vice President of Student Services or designee for compliance with this procedure.