Sexual Harassment

City University of Seattle does not tolerate behavior that would constitute harassment whether by an employee in the workplace, regardless of the employee’s title, or by a student on University grounds. City University of Seattle urges all employees and students who feel that they may have been the object of sexual harassment while engaged in activities at City University of Seattle to report the occurrence to the Title IX Coordinator at or appropriate University designee. All such matters will be treated confidentially. To ensure the safety of the University community, which includes all staff, faculty, students, interns, volunteers, University-affiliated board members and visitors, offenders of this policy may be subject to appropriate campus adjudication processes through the appropriate City University of Seattle policy and procedures found on the portal. All reported instances of sexual harassment will be investigated and appropriate disciplinary, criminal, and/or legal action will be taken. No one need fear retaliation for bringing the University’s attention to information of this nature. Additionally, anyone who is found to have threatened or intimidated an employee or student to suppress this kind of information will receive disciplinary action.