Specific Rights and Responsibilities of Users

  1. Users are accountable for all activities carried out under their account user names and/or access codes.
  2. Users are not to divulge their account user names, numbers, passwords, door lock keypad codes, and/or access codes unless approved by City University of Seattle management. Users shall not attempt by any means to obtain other users’ access codes.
  3. A user will not aid or allow any other individual to impersonate the user. Any attempt to use another user’s name or access code is prohibited.
  4. Users will not engage in deliberate actions that may damage or disrupt University information technology resources. Accordingly, the willful introduction of computer “viruses,” “worms,” or other disruptive or destructive programs into the University’s computing environment is expressly prohibited.
  5. Users will not interfere or attempt to interfere in any way with information belonging to other users. Unauthorized access, damage, or tampering with/to another user’s information is in direct violation of the code.
  6. Users shall use appropriate standards of civility when accessing the University’s information technology resources. Users have the right to expect communication that is respectful and ethical. The transmittal of personally or intentionally abusive content is expressly prohibited in written documents or in communication transmitted over the University networks and the Internet.
  7. Users are prohibited from sending unsolicited, unofficial communication not limited to spam mail, junk mail, chain letters, and other such documents to other City University of Seattle users or to outside recipients.
  8. Users will honor the privacy of other users of University provided technology resources. Accordingly, users will not distribute the email addresses of other University users unless approved by City University of Seattle management.
  9. The downloading, copying or installing of software applications requiring licensing on University computers may only be done by authorized City University of Seattle personnel. The Information Technology department will maintain an inventory and backup media of all City University of Seattle purchased licensed software.
  10. Users are prohibited from altering the setup or configuration of any City University of Seattle technology resource unless authorized by University management.
  11. City University of Seattle technology resources are the property of City University of Seattle and are to be used for University related business. These resources are not to be used for personal commercial purposes or for personal financial or other gain including unauthorized use of consumables.
  12. Users are prohibited from downloading or copying materials where it infringes on the copyright protection of those materials. This includes music, videos and other information that is protected by copyright laws.