Transfer of Official Transcript Records between National University System Affiliates - FERPA

The National University System is comprised of the following higher education institutions: National University, City University of Seattle, John F. Kennedy University, WestMed College, and the Division of Pre-College Programs.

Students who have previously attended one or more of the National University System (NUS) affiliates, and who indicate prior work upon application at one or more of the NUS affiliates, heretofore give permission for the Registrar of the school upon signing the new application to retrieve official transcripts from the prior affiliate school(s) as this constitutes a “legitimate educational interest” and hereby constitutes permission by the student to authorize a release of records as it pertains to the U.S.A. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA).

Documentation required to allow this release of record will constitute a copy of the student signed application to the prior affiliate school, whether it be electronically or physically signed by the student, with verification of each of the affiliate Registrars or designated staff in absence of the Registrar. The Registrars will be required to keep a copy of this signed memorandum with the copy of the application for documentation regarding the release of records with the student file for no less than five (5) years following the completion of courses by the student (50 years for Canadian students).

Students who do not wish the official transcript to be transferred to the new affiliate may, at the time of the application, complete a FERPA release of records block.