Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Information

City University of Seattle fully complies with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989 (Public law 101-226), to prohibit the illegal possession, consumption and distribution of drugs and alcohol on university property, during classes and at activities officially sponsored by the university. Students, faculty and staff may not consume alcoholic beverages on University property, during classes or in connection with activities officially sponsored by the university except by permission of the University President.

City University of Seattle supports all federal, state and local ordinances pertaining to alcohol and drugs and will fully cooperate with law enforcement authorities to protect the students, staff and faculty of the university from illegal possession, purchase, sale, and manufacture of controlled substances and alcohol. The university will refer offenders to the proper civil authorities. Regardless of whether legal action is pursued by the university or outside agencies, disciplinary action will be taken by the University for violations of the law, university policy or university conduct rules. All students, faculty and staff should be familiar with the Drug Free Campus Policy and abide by it. In addition, all university faculty, staff and student employees must be in compliance with the City University of Seattle Drug Free Workplace Policy.

City University of Seattle disseminates information on the prevention of drug and alcohol abuse to its community members on annual basis. In addition, City University of Seattle makes available to its students and employees resources, materials, and referral to rehabilitation programs through the University Counseling Center.

A violation of any law regarding alcohol or controlled substances by a student is also a violation of the City University of Seattle Student Code of Conduct Policy and will be treated as a separate disciplinary matter by the university. In addition to legal sanctions, the University will take disciplinary action for violation of the law and university policy, up to and including expulsion.

Students residing in university housing are also bound by the rules of conduct established by the Office of Housing and Residence Life. Students who violate any law regarding alcohol or controlled substances while on housing property will also face disciplinary action by the Office of Housing and Residence Life, up to and including termination of their housing contract.