Tuition Reimbursement and Third Party Billing

The tuition of many City University of Seattle students is paid by their employers through company tuition payment programs. Students are encouraged to check with their employers to find out whether such a program is available to them.

Employers may offer tuition reimbursement to students or direct billing from City University of Seattle as a third party payer. Direct billing is confirmed by means of a letter or voucher authorizing subsequent billing. Such letters or vouchers must be presented at the time of registration. Any portion that is not covered by the student’s employer becomes the students’ responsibility and is due according to City University of Seattle financial policies. All grades, transcripts, diplomas, and certificates are subject to being withheld until payment in full is received from the third party payer.

Students receiving tuition reimbursement directly from their employers must pay for their tuition and fees according to City University of Seattle financial policies and apply for reimbursement through their organization.