Tuition, Fees and Charges

The following tuition rates are effective for the academic year 2018-2019 (July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019).*

School of Management
Undergraduate 100/200 Level per Credit $389
Undergraduate Business Administration/Management/Accounting/Project Management/Healthcare Admin. 300/400 Level per Credit $456
Undergraduate Tech Institute courses 300/400 Level per Credit $489
Graduate per Credit $698
Doctoral per Credit $742
Doctoral Dissertation & Continuation per Course $1000
School of Management International
(note: applies once students hold a valid CityU I-20)
Undergraduate 100/200 per Credit $479
Undergraduate 300/400 per Credit $546
Undergraduate Tech Institute per Credit $579
Graduate per Credit $848
Doctoral per Credit $892
Doctoral Dissertation & Continuation per Course $1150
Albright School of Education
Undergraduate per Credit (100-400 level) $361
M.Ed per Credit $520
MIT per Credit $589
School of Arts and Sciences
Undergraduate 100/200 Level per Credit $389
Undergraduate 300/400 Level per Credit $456
MA Counseling per Credit $590
Post-Graduate Chemical Dependency per class $1200
Professional School Counseling per Credit $696
School of Applied Leadership
M.Ed. Adult Education per Credit $541
M.Ed. Educational Leadership per Credit $696
MAL/MS per Credit $698
Doctoral per Credit $742
Doctoral Comprehensive Exam $2000
Doctoral Dissertation & Continuation per Course $1000
U.S. Active Duty Military, Active Guard and Reserves - Undergraduate per Credit $166
U.S. Active Duty Military, Active Guard and Reserves - Graduate per Credit $312
Spouses and Dependents of U.S. Active Duty Military, Active Guard and Reserve - Undergraduate per Credit $166
Spouses and Dependents of U.S. Active Duty Military, Active Guard and Reserve - Graduate per Credit $312
P-BAM per 5 credit block $1195
P-BAM per 15 credit block $3585
P-BAM per 20 credit block $4780
ELP Level 0-8 per Course $800
ELP Level 0-8 per A/B Course Block $1,600
ELP Level 81, 85, 89 per Course $870
ELP Level 80 $275
World Language Continuing Education per Course $350
World Language Undergraduate per Credit $389
TESOL per Credit $275
Application Fee $50
Alumni Audit per Course $300
Challenge Course Fee $300
Diploma Apostille Fee $30
Diploma Authentication Fee $15
Diploma Apostille/Authentication $45
Diploma Re-Issue Fee $50
English Language Testing Fee $70
Final Degree Audit Application Fee $100
Late Registration Fee $100
Official Transcript Fee per Copy - online $13
Official Transcript Fee per Copy - on-site $18
Prior Learning Portfolio Fee: 0 - 15 Credit Evaluation $500
Prior Learning Portfolio Fee: 16 - 30 Credit Evaluation $1,000
Prior Learning Portfolio Fee: 31 - 45 Credit Evaluation $1,500
Unpaid Bill Carrying Cost Fee 1%

*Inquire with an advisor about non-U.S. and Canadian locations.

Albright School of Education
Graduate per Credit $513
School of Arts and Sciences
Graduate per Credit $609
School of Management
Undergraduate 100/200 per Credit $482
Undergraduate 300/400 per Credit $548
Active Duty Military - Undergraduate per Credit $166
Active Duty Military - Graduate per Credit $312
Application Fee $50
Alumni Audit per Course $300
Challenge Course Fee $300
Diploma Apostille Fee $30
Diploma Authentication Fee $15
Diploma Apostille/Authentication $45
Diploma Re-Issue Fee $50
English Language Testing Fee $70
Final Degree Audit Application Fee $100
Late Registration Fee $100
Official Transcript Fee per Copy - online $13
Official Transcript Fee per Copy - on-site $18
Unpaid Bill Carrying Cost Fee 1%