Financial Assistance

Tuition Reimbursement and Third Party Billing

The tuition of many City University of Seattle students is paid by their employers through company tuition payment programs. Students are encouraged to check with their employers to find out whether such a program is available to them.

Employers may offer tuition reimbursement to students or direct billing from City University of Seattle as a third party payer. Direct billing is confirmed by means of a letter or voucher authorizing subsequent billing. Such letters or vouchers must be presented at the time of registration. Any portion that is not covered by the student’s employer becomes the students’ responsibility and is due according to City University of Seattle financial policies. All grades, transcripts, diplomas, and certificates are subject to being withheld until payment in full is received from the third party payer.

Students receiving tuition reimbursement directly from their employers must pay for their tuition and fees according to City University of Seattle financial policies and apply for reimbursement through their organization.

Financial Assistance (U.S.)

City University of Seattle administers various types of federal and state financial aid assistance programs to help students achieve their educational and professional goals. The University also awards scholarships on the basis of financial need, demonstrated academic ability, and other criteria. To the extent that resources are available, the University is committed to sharing educational costs with students.

Financial assistance programs are administered impartially through the Financial Aid Office which counsels students on eligibility and application procedures.

U.S. financial aid applicants may obtain City University of Seattle student financial aid information on the City University of Seattle web site. Students must apply annually for such assistance. A student is considered a financial aid applicant when (1) FAFSA data has been received; and (2) the student is admitted to an eligible program. Students benefiting from financial aid are responsible for keeping track of their courses and the balance due for those courses.

Eligibility for Federal Student Aid

All financial aid funds administered by City University of Seattle are awarded to students without regard to race, age, gender, ethnic origin, religion, handicap, sexual preference, veteran status, or any other condition extraneous to the purposes of an institution committed to equal opportunity in the pursuit of learning.

Consistent with U.S. government requirements, City University of Seattle limits all financial assistance awards to the costs of attendance.

A student is eligible for federal financial aid if the student:

  1. Is a United States citizen, a resident of a Trust Territory, or has permanent resident status approved by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services;
  2. Possesses a high school diploma or equivalent;
  3. Is admitted to an eligible program;
  4. Is in compliance with U.S. Selective Service registration requirements;
  5. Does not owe a refund on a previous federal Title IV grant and is not in default on federal student loans;
  6. Has maintained satisfactory academic progress and is in good academic standing;
  7. Has a valid Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on file in the Financial Aid Office.

Federal Assistance Programs (U.S.)

Pell Grants

The Federal Pell Grant is a Federal grant which does not need to be repaid. The Pell Grant helps qualified students with financial need to meet their educational expenses. This grant is available only to undergraduate students who have not completed a bachelor’s degree, or used more than 6 full-time equivalent years of the Pell Grant. In addition, a student must be enrolled full-time, (10 credit hours each quarter), to receive the maximum award. Part-time awards are available to eligible students attending less than full time, as well.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG)

The FSEOG is a federal grant program for undergraduate students with exceptional financial need. FSEOG funds are limited, and Pell Grant recipients are accorded priority. This grant does not need to be repaid.

Federal Stafford Loans (Subsidized and Unsubsidized)

The Federal Direct Loan programs offer federally guaranteed educational loans for students whose cost of attendance cannot be met by other financial aid programs. Unsubsidized loans are available to eligible students regardless of income level. Students must maintain at least half-time enrollment to receive federal loans. Repayment on the principle of the loans is deferred while the student remains in school on at least a half-time basis (see Deferment of Student Loans section for more information). The Subsidized Federal Loan does not accrue interest during deferment periods. The program’s loan limits are:

$3,500 a year for first-year undergraduates.

$4,500 a year for second-year undergraduates who have at least 45 credits.

$5,500 a year for undergraduate students who have earned at least 90 credits.

Additional unsubsidized federal loans may be available for maximum amounts of:

$2,000 a year for undergraduate dependent students,


$5,500 a year for first-year undergraduate independent students,


$6,500 a year for second-year undergraduate independent students,


$7,500 a year for undergraduate independent students who have earned achieved at least 90 credits.

$20,500 a year for graduate and doctoral students.

These limits are subject to change by the U.S. Department of Education. Students receiving financial aid may have the amount of their loans limited to meet federal guidelines. An origination fee may be deducted from the loan. Students are limited by an aggregate limit based on their academic career.

The PLUS / Grad PLUS Loan Program

The PLUS Program makes guaranteed loans available to the parents of dependent students and students pursuing a graduate or doctoral degree. Students or parents should contact the Office of Financial Aid Office for details on PLUS loans.

Federal Work-Study Programs (FWS)

Students who have financial need and who wish to earn part of their educational expenses through salaried or hourly employment may qualify for the Federal Work-Study program. Salaries will be based on the prevailing minimum wage, but also may be related to the type of work and any special skill required. Work-study funds are limited.

State Need Grant (SNG)

The State Need Grant (SNG) is a Washington State grant program for undergraduate students with exceptional financial need, and are residents of the State of Washington. This grant does not need to be repaid. Funds are limited and are awarded to students based on information calculated from the student’s FAFSA application. DACA and Dreamer students who are Washington State residents may contact the Washington Student Achievement Council to complete the WASFA form for consideration.

Financial Aid Application Procedure

  1. Apply for admission to City University of Seattle as a degree seeking student. Financial aid will be awarded after students are formally admitted into an eligible degree or program of study.
  2. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), indicating City University of Seattle in the College Release Section (013022-school code). Students do not need to be formally admitted to submit the FAFSA application.
  3. The Financial Aid Office reviews FAFSA data. This information contains the necessary information to determine eligibility for the various federal financial aid programs. Upon receiving the calculated FAFSA data City University of Seattle will notify students who may need to provide documentation in order to set-up an award.
  4. Students are notified of their eligibility with an Award Notification. Students must complete the award notification process by either accepting or rejecting the funds offered. Unaccepted awards are subject to cancellation.

Students must reapply for financial aid each academic year. The financial aid process depends on the accuracy of the student’s completed financial aid forms. Prompt return of requested documents expedites the process. Students should contact the Financial Aid Office if they have any questions.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

To be eligible for financial aid, students must comply with the Satisfactory Academic Progress policy available from the Financial Aid Office. Satisfactory progress includes maintaining minimum GPA requirements, successfully completing courses, and completing all degree requirements in a timely manner.

Refund and Repayment

Students receiving financial assistance and who withdraw from all courses in a term are subject to the return of the Title IV aid refund policies dictated by federal guidelines. Dropping courses may affect students’ current and future eligibility for financial aid. Students who withdraw from all courses prior to attending more than 60% of an enrollment term will have their eligibility for aid recalculated based upon the percent of the quarter attended. Refunds are distributed to the Federal Financial Aid programs based on calculations prescribed by the Department of Education. If funds remain available after all refunds to federal aid programs are made a credit may be issued to the student. The student may be asked to return financial aid funds in cases where the student drops courses, withdraws from courses, or vanishes from courses.

Deferment of Student Loans

Student loans may be placed in a deferment status when the student is enrolled at least half-time in a program of study. During a deferment period, the student is not responsible for making regular payments toward the repayment of their student loan. Students should contact their loan servicer(s) to obtain information on rights and requirements for deferment of their prior student loans. It is the student’s responsibility to keep their loan servicer(s) informed of any change in their status. Requests for deferment due to enrollment at City University of Seattle should be directed to the Office of the Registrar.

U.S. Veteran and Military Student Assistance – Veterans

The City University of Seattle Veterans Affairs Office assists veterans, active duty military personnel, students who are in the United States Armed Services reserves, and eligible spouses and dependents with the process of identifying and receiving tuition benefits. Federal guidelines with regard to educational benefits are also obtainable through an education advisor at the appropriate military station branch or the Veterans Administration Regional Office.

Selected programs of study at City University of Seattle are approved by the Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board’s State Approving Agency (WTECB/SAA) for enrollment of those eligible to receive benefits under Title 38 and Title 10, USC.

City University of Seattle does not and will not provide any commission, bonus, or other incentive payment based directly or indirectly on success in securing enrollment or financial aid to any persons or entities engaged in any student recruiting or admissions activities or in making decisions regarding the award of student financial assistance.

Veterans Eligibility

Eligibility for educational benefits to veterans and their spouses and dependents is determined by the Veterans Administration Regional Office which may be contacted directly, as follows:

VA Regional Office

P.O. Box 8888

Muskogee, OK 74402-8888


The City University of Seattle Veterans Affairs Office provides specific information about the types of available educational assistance that are available.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

Students receiving veterans’ educational benefits are required to maintain satisfactory academic progress as defined in the “Academic Policies” section and per federal regulations. Federal regulations require the University to notify the VA Regional Office whenever a student who is receiving benefits: (1) withdraws from a course; (2) receives a grade status marking that does not constitute credit earned; or (3) in the event a student receiving benefits is suspended for academic or disciplinary reasons.

Change in Veterans or Military Status

All changes in status, for example, address, phone, email, separation, demobilization or retirement, course withdrawals, dropping or adding courses, course format changes (i.e. online, mixed-mode, in-class, etc.), concurrent enrollment, and other applicable changes must be reported to the VA Regional Office in a timely manner. To assist in keeping records accurate and, in some cases, help to avoid or minimize the possibility of causing a debt owed with the VA, all changes should be reported immediately to the City University of Seattle Veterans Affairs Office.

Application for Veterans Benefits

Veterans and eligible spouses and dependents who elect to receive education benefits must notify the City University of Seattle Veterans Affairs Office each time they register for a course.

Educational benefit payment checks are distributed subsequent to review of the certification document submitted by the University to the VA Regional Office.

Canadian Veterans

Canadian veterans or eligible dependents who wish to obtain assistance should consult the local office of the Canadian Department of Veterans Affairs.

Other Foreign Veterans

Foreign veterans or eligible dependents who wish to obtain assistance should consult their appropriate governmental agencies.

U.S. Military (Active Duty, Reserve, and National Guard)

Military Tuition Assistance Programs

Tuition Assistance (TA) is a Department of Defense program and is not administered or monitored by the VA. Tuition Assistance rules vary by branch of service and can even vary between different units within the same branch of service depending on whether the unit is active, reserve or National Guard. Additionally, active duty members may elect to use the MGIB® “Top-Up” in addition to TA to help cover additional costs.

The University supports use of military tuition assistance funding, and students who wish to learn more about the use Tuition Assistance Funding should consult their appropriate educational service office.