
Grades are listed at the mid-semester for day students and at the end of the semester for all students and programs. Grades are made available through Banner Web. Only semester grades are kept on permanent records. For the purpose of computing grade point averages, grades are converted to quality points.

The grades with their significance and the corresponding points are:

DBarely Passed1
FAFailed - Excess Absences0
FNFailed - Never Attended0
IIncomplete (until removed)0
AUSatisfactory Audit--
UAUnsatisfactory Audit--

Some programs require a grade of “C” or higher as a pre-requisite for the next course. The Grade Point Average is obtained by dividing total quality points by total hours attempted, with the exception of hours attempted in which the grades of “P” or “W” are given. The mark “P” is used to indicate passing, and the mark “F” to indicate failing or unsatisfactory work in certain specific courses. The hours in these courses are counted in the total load, but the mark of “P” is not used in the calculation of the Quality Point Ratio; whereas, the mark of “F” is. These marks are also used in some non-credit courses. “NR” grade is given when an instructor fails to turn in a grade report.

The Withdrawal Grade

A grade of “W” is given for a course taken by the student who is allowed to withdraw from the course after the add/drop period and before the end of the withdrawal period. The last day for withdrawing from a course is listed in the University Calendar posted on the CBU website

The Incomplete Grade “I”

Instructors will penalize a student for failing to submit required work by the end of the final grading period. Alternatively, if asked by the student in a timely fashion, an instructor may agree to give a student an incomplete grade of “I”. Instructors are under no obligation to agree to give a grade of “I.” The grade of “I” can only be given after the student, the instructor, and the dean of the particular school in which the incomplete grade is being given sign an “Incomplete Grade Contract” specifying the work to be completed and return it to the Office of the Registrar for the posting of the incomplete grade. Incompletes can only be given if the paperwork is submitted to the Office of the Registrar at least one week prior to the deadline for entering grades. Exceptions to this deadline may only be made by the Dean of Academic Services (Day students) or the Associate Registrar (all other students). These will only be granted for a documented illness, a serious family emergency, or another issue of comparable magnitude. Requests made by students for an exception to this deadline must be received by the Dean of Academic Services or Associate Registrar by the last day of exams. The “I” grade will not be computed in the GPA. When the “I” is changed to a grade, that grade will be calculated into the GPA, and the “I” will show next to the new grade. The “I” grade does not satisfy the prerequisite if the course is needed to continue to the next course. The grade is changed to “I/F” if all the work is not completed by the midterm of the following semester for 16-week courses or the end of the following term for 8-week courses. The “Incomplete Grade Contract” form is available online at the Registrar's page of the CBU website.

Failure to attend a class or ceasing to attend a class does not constitute a drop, and a grade of “F” will be recorded.