Course Load

Fall and Spring Semesters: Under normal conditions each student is expected to register for no fewer than 12 semester hours of credit per semester and not more than 19 hours per semester. Any student who registers for fewer than 12 hours of credit will be classified as a part-time student. Permission of the School Dean is required to register for more than 19 credit hours per semester. There will be an additional tuition charge for each additional credit hour above 19.

Summer Sessions: A student may enroll in a total of four courses and accompanying labs in the June, July, and Evening sessions combined. Over the ten-week period, to be considered a full-time student, the student must be enrolled in at least 12 semester hours. In any one term, a student cannot enroll for more than 7 hours. A student may not register for more than a total of 14 hours without the written permission of the Dean of the School in which the student is majoring. If a student takes a school-sponsored trip immediately after the May graduation date and needs the course for graduation, he or she will be an August graduate. If the course is not needed for graduation, he or she may be a May graduate. Tuition for summer session courses is charged by the credit hour.

For International Students on F1 Visas:

Per USCIS regulations, undergraduate students holding F1 visas must enroll in a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester to maintain their visa status. International students who have an illness or medical condition and can provide documentation from a health professional may take a reduced course load of less than 12 hours for one semester only. Students requiring a reduced course load for medical reasons should contact PDSO Melissa Luttmann at or (901) 321-3246 as soon as possible.