BA/BS in Interdisciplinary Studies

The BA/BS in Interdisciplinary Studies is intended to provide a rich, creative, and academically rigorous program of study not otherwise offered at CBU. In some cases, a student's interests, plans for postgraduate study, or career intentions incorporate a range of skills and knowledge drawing from a variety of academic disciplines. This degree is designed to support a thoughtful process to combine CBU course offerings into a coherent academic plan with learning outcomes that align with the student's interdisciplinary goals. Importantly, the Interdisciplinary Studies degree is self-directed under the supervision of a faculty director and with the support of an ad hoc Interdisciplinary Studies faculty committee drawn from disciplines emphasized in the student's academic plan. Students must apply for admission to this program in consultation with the prospective faculty director and committee members. Final degree plans must also be approved by the Dean of Academic Services and the Vice President for Academics prior to admission to the program.

Admissions Requirements:

Students may apply for admission to the BA/BS in Interdisciplinary Studies after completing one full-time semester (12 hours) at CBUApplicants must be in good standing academicallyPrograms of study will require a minimum of fifteen (15) hours of credits not yet attempted at CBU or elsewhere. To apply, applicants must prepare a written proposal (500-1,000 words) containing the rationale for the degree sought accompanied by a proposed paradigm. In addition, the proposal must identify the two primary areas of study as described in the Curriculum Requirements section below. The proposal must be approved by the student’s ad hoc committee consisting of the following faculty members: 1) a faculty director who will also serve as the student's major advisor; 2) a faculty member from one of the core disciplines within the paradigm; 3) and a third faculty member whose academic discipline supports the program of study. (See below for additional details).

Completed applications should be submitted to the Dean of Academic Services for final approvals.

Curriculum Requirements:

Students who wish to major in Interdisciplinary Studies will be required to meet all of the requirements for a minor in a field offered by CBU (other than Interdisciplinary Studies). The faculty director for the degree must be a faculty member in this minor department.

In addition to meeting all requirements for the above minor, the student must take 18 or more hours from at least one other major or minor field offered by CBU, 9 hours or more of which must be 300-level or above courses. A second faculty member of the student’s faculty committee must come from this second field.

Overall, the student must earn 30 or more hours of 300-level or above coursework. All General Education requirements, GPA, and other university requirements must be met. The student must also complete a research or capstone project. This project may be filled by completing an existing capstone course relevant to the program of study. In certain circumstances, a special topics“interdisciplinary studies” or “independent study” capstone project may satisfy the requirement if approved by the instructor's academic dean. The “major GPA” will be derived from all courses completed in the two primary areas of study, along with the capstone course. To graduate with the BA/BS in Interdisciplinary, the student's GPA must be 2.00 or higher.

GPA requirements – 2.0 cumulative; 2.0 for major (inclusive of minor, secondary area of study, capstone project). Students will make specific curricular choices under the advisement of the degree director, including the selection of appropriate General Education courses.

Total credits required for the degree 121