Distance Learning

Adult Learner programs at Barry University is committed to the principles and best practices of adult education. Therefore, we provide opportunities for students to engage in coursework in an online environment where students interact with the learning materials through readings, videos, websites, projects, discussion forums, and interactive activities in accordance with weekly assignment deadlines. In addition, students have the 24/7 ability to interact with their instructor and peers through chats, email, and cyber cafés.

Online courses follow the same course start and end dates as the Adult Learner face-to-face classes and use the same textbooks. Some instructors may require proctored exams, such as a midterm or a final. These proctored exams may be paper or computer-based and can be taken at our Extended Learning locations across the state or from a variety of test providers located near you or for fully online exams, utilizing the services of ProctorU®.

Online Courses and Programs

More than ninety online undergraduate and graduate courses and the following fully online degrees. Online Undergraduate degree programs include:

  • Bachelor of Science in Administration (B.S.)
  • Bachelor of Science in Emergency Management (B.S.)
  • Bachelor of Science in Health Services Administration (B.S.)
  • Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (B.S.)
  • Bachelor of Public Administration (B.P.A.)

Many undergraduate Distribution Courses can be taken online. To see a description of fully online programs and a list of courses, visit: https://www.barry.edu/online/.

Online Portfolio Submission

Undergraduate online students may also submit an online portfolio through Canvas. Please speak with your program advisor on how to navigate the online portfolio submission process.

Maximum Number of Online Credits

The Adult Learner programs accommodate even the busiest schedules. Students pursuing undergraduate programs that have not been approved for fully online delivery, the Bachelor of Liberal Studies is limited to taking a maximum of 27 undergraduate online credits (nine courses) of the total 120 credits required for completion of a Barry University degree. The 27 credits consist of successful completion of 9 online courses (3 credits each) with qualifying grades as per University requirements for Distribution courses, English Writing, ORI-202, CS-180 and/or core program classes. “F” & “W” grades are not counted as attempts toward the 27 credits.

Students should consult with their program advisor for availability and policies for undergraduate and online graduate courses and programs. Undergraduate students should review the requirements in reference to English and Math assessments and the Computer Proficiency.

The minimum requirement for taking an online course is the English Placement Assessment. Students must place into ENG-202 or ENG-302. It is highly recommended that students complete the required English course before taking an online course. Only students with strong writing skills should take the ENG-202 online.

It is also strongly recommended that students complete CS-180 before taking an online course. Only students with excellent computer literacy skills should attempt CS-180 online, as students must have sufficient computer literacy skills to navigate through an online course.

New Online Student Requirements

These requirements will apply to students who are enrolling in any of the fully online bachelor degree programs.

  • Students may need to complete ORI-202 Fundamentals of Adult Learning if transferring 45 college level credits or less. Online students must complete the ORI-202 within the first semester of study or at first opportunity after evaluation of transfer credits
  • All students are required to complete the English Placement Assessment.
  • Students who do not transfer college level mathematics are required to take the Mathematics Skills Assessment. Students enrolling in the online Math course must have taken the Math placement before or during the student’s first semester of study.
  • All students are required to demonstrate computer proficiency through successful completion of CS-180. The requirement may also be satisfied through equivalent computer coursework accepted in transfer or through a Computer Proficiency Assessment. Students not transferring the equivalent of CS-180 who wish to take this course online should take this class in the first semester of study. Students can also attempt to earn credits through Credit by Examination. Refer to the Computer Proficiency Assessment section.

All assessments and Credit by Examinations: ORI-202 must be completed before or during the student’s first semester of enrollment. Students should consult with their academic advisor.

Is Online Learning for Me?

Distance learning can be a great alternative for students who cannot attend classes on campus. Distance learning is also a wonderful opportunity for those who enjoy working independently. However, online classes are not “easier” than traditional classes. Online courses are reading-, writing-, and technology-intensive. They require excellent organizational and time management skills.

To take online courses at Barry University, students should have the most recent PC or Mac computer configurations. Students should also have access to reliable high-speed connection to the Internet, reliable printer, and speakers and/or headphones.

Students should visit https://www.barry.edu/online-orientation/ for a list of minimum computer, software and Internet requirements. Students are encouraged to visit “Demo Course” at https://canvas.instructure.com/courses/1016172 to experience an online course.

All online courses are offered as “accelerated” courses. Accelerated online courses are courses that are shorter in length than regular semester long courses. Online courses are offered in 7 week formats with 6 enrollment terms during the year (Fall A, Fall B, Spring A, Spring B, Summer A, Summer B). This format allows for a quicker course and or degree completion timeframe. Typically, many students choose to enroll in two courses in each enrollment period. A list of available online courses is found at http://www.barry.edu/online/

Accessing Your Online Courses

Online learners use ‘Canvas,’ an easy to use industry standard course management system, which contains all of the student’s course tools and resources. Students can access Barry’s Canvas Portal at https://barry.instructure.com/. Once students have registered for online classes they will be able to log in using their Barry University username and password-firstname.lastname@mymail.barry.edu (all lower case). Registered students will not have access to their online courses until the first day of the term in which they are registered.

Student Resources for Technical Support

Login/Password Problems

If students have problems with logging in with their password and/or username, contact the Barry Help Desk at (305)899‑3604 or email them at helpdesk@barry.edu. The Barry Help Desk is open Monday–Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. The Barry Help Desk can assist students only with password or log-in issues.

Canvas Problems

If students have problems with any of the Canvas tools such as quizzes, forum postings, assignment submissions, accessing any of the course links, or anything related to Canvas, they can call the Help Desk line at (855) 976‑8669. Students may also chat live with a Canvas representative at any time (accessed through the “Help” menu from within Canvas (https://barry.instructure.com/). Students may also ask questions at https://community.canvaslms.com/community/answers.

Canvas Training and Resources

Prior to the online course start date, students are encouraged to explore Barry University’s Online Orientation at https://www.barry.edu/online-orientation/. Here you can explore the history and legacy of Barry University as well as our expectations of you as a student and scholar. In addition, you can learn how to best use Canvas, our online learning platform, as well as how to communicate with your professors, submit assignments, check your grades, and participate in class. You can also demonstrate your readiness to use Canvas and to learn how to get help when you need it.

Tuition and Fees for Online Courses

The tuition for an online course is the same as a face to face course. However, a distance learning fee of $125.00 is assessed for each online course enrollment. This distance learning fee offsets the costs of hosting and administering the online platform. Students may be responsible for proctored exam fees if they choose to use a fee-based testing center.

As per federal regulations, students receiving financial aid must authorize electronically through WebAdvisor, the use of financial aid funds to pay for anything other than tuition. This includes the online course fee, books, graduation application, etc. Students only need to do this once while pursuing their degree. Log in to WebAdvisor at https://webadvisor.barry.edu, click on Federal Student Aid Authorization and follow the prompts.

Proctored Exams

Some online courses will use proctored exams for “high stakes” testing such as a midterm or final. A proctored exam is one that is overseen by an impartial individual (called a proctor) who monitors or supervises a student while he or she is taking an exam. The proctor ensures the security and integrity of the exam process. Proctored exams may be computer based or paper based. Proctored exams can be taken at most of our Extended Learning locations across the state and from a variety of test providers located close to you. Proctored exams can be taken within a range of times and scheduled at your convenience. To see if your online course requires a proctored exam, check your course syllabus as soon as you can or contact your instructor. Your instructor will provide you with additional details regarding the proctor exam process. If a proctored exam is taken outside of an Extended Learning site, there may be additional fees that are incurred by the student.

ProctorU® may be used for fully online exams. Please see the link for more information. Use of this service must be coordinated with your instructor. Note: webcam and microphone are required for ProctorU®, see technical requirements listed on the website at https://www.proctoru.com/portal/barry. There are additional fees to use Proctor U which are the student’s responsibility.

Writing Tutoring

As part of commitment to ensuring student success, we offer individualized Writing Tutoring at assigned sites. Our Writing Tutors assist students with writing assignments and writing skills related to both coursework and the written portions of the Experiential Learning Portfolio. Tutors meet with both undergraduate and graduate students and make recommendations toward improving the overall quality of both the current and future assignments. We highly encourage students to take full advantage of the benefits of personalized attention by scheduling an appointment. Attendance at tutoring sessions is chronicled and vouchers are issued.

Online students also have access the Online Writing Center (OWL). The OWL and the on-line tutoring it offers provide Barry University students with an accessible forum in which they can improve their papers and writing skills by collaborating through the Internet with writing consultants.

The Online Writing Lab, like the Writing Center, is a service available to students who are typically working on writing assignments in their course work who need assistance in revising or editing process. All students who utilize our tutorial services must engage in an exchange with the tutor who is making recommendations. Generally, the focus of our tutoring sessions is particular written assignments with which the student is having difficulty. We attempt to help the student find ways to improve their written assignment so that we will produce better writers.

The cyber environment of the OWL enhances the learning process by allowing the student to work at a pace and in an environment that are sympathetic to their educational needs.

For additional information on policies and submission guidelines, call Olena Drozd, Ph.D. (305) 899‑4902 or log into the Barry Network, and go to http://www.barry.edu/learning-center/writing-center.html.

Online Course Attendance Policy

In order to comply with federal student aid requirements, the Office of the Registrar contacts class instructors after the first week of the term to request that they verify in Colleague Self-Service which students listed on their class roster(s) have not attended any class sessions or participated in an academic-related activity.

An academic-related activity is defined by the U.S. Department of Education, and includes:

  • Physically attending a class where there is an opportunity for direct interaction between instructor and students
  • Submitting an academic assignment
  • Taking an exam, an interactive tutorial or computer assisted instruction
  • Participating in an online discussion about academic matters
  • Initiating contact with a faculty member to ask a question about the academic subject studied in the course

An academic-related activity does NOT include:

  • Logging into an online class with active participation
  • Academic counseling or advising

Students who fail to complete an academic-related activity as defined above during the first week will be reported as “NON-ATTENDING” by the instructor. Logging into the course does not meet the definition of an academic-related activity.

Students are expected to log in the first day of class, thoroughly read the syllabus for each course and participate in any activities as described in the individual course syllabus.

Online courses are not self-paced. Although students can log in and complete their course work at times that are convenient for their schedule, instructors will require that students meet deadlines for the submission of assignments and tests, as well as to reply within a given time frame to discussion board posts.

Withdrawing from an Online Course

Students are not automatically withdrawn from a class for non-attendance. The withdrawal dates are listed in the Academic Calendar. Students who wish to withdraw from an online course(s), should first contact the Financial Aid Office at (305) 899‑3355 or by email at finaid@barry.edu to see how withdrawing from a class will affect student aid. There are several issues that may impact eligibility, including status changes from full time to part time and satisfactory academic progress. Some students may even need to return financial aid funds. After this discussion, students should contact their advisor to complete and sign the Withdrawal Form.

Dropped Courses/Refund Policy for Online Courses

Students who wish to change their registration status before the semester begins or during the first three days of class must complete the Add/Drop Form with their Program Advisor. A full refund will be given to students who drop their courses prior to the beginning of the term. Students who drop individual courses during the drop/add period will be charged 20 percent. There is no refund given after the first week of classes. Students should always consult with the financial aid office to see how dropping a class could impact student aid.

Code of Conduct

Students are required to maintain a high standard of conduct at all times. Hazing, bullying, inappropriate language in communication, and sexual harassment conflicts with the mission of Barry University, and therefore will not be tolerated.

Student Ethics/Academic Dishonesty Policy

Students are expected to submit their own work for credit. Please refer to the comprehensive Academic Dishonesty Policy in the Student Bulletin.

Cheating is defined as the attempt, successful or not, to give or obtain aid and/or information by illicit means in meeting any academic requirements, including examinations. Cheating includes falsifying reports and documents.

Plagiarism is defined as the use, without proper acknowledgements, of the ideas, phrases, sentences, or larger units of discourse from another writer or speaker. Plagiarism includes unauthorized copying of software and the violation of copyright laws.

List of Approved Online Courses

Online courses are supported by Barry University’s Office of Distance Education and go through a rigorous approval process through the University in order to meet the highest standards in quality assurance for online education. Thus, new courses are continually being added and a current list can be viewed at http://www.barry.edu/online/.


State Authorization

Out of State Distance Education Students

Barry University has been approved by the State of Florida to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA at http://www.nc-sara.org/). NC-SARA is a voluntary, regional approach to state oversight of postsecondary distance education. NC-SARA is an agreement among member states, districts, and territories that establishes comparable national standards for interstate offering of postsecondary distance education courses and programs. NC-SARA makes it easier for students to take online courses offered by postsecondary institutions based in another state. Because of the NC-SARA membership, as well as authorizations previously obtained from individual states and ongoing compliance with applicable state authorization rules, Barry University is now able to accept student enrollments for distance education courses from students who reside in all states.

Licensure Information

If you are considering an academic program that leads to a professional license in your state, it is highly recommended that you first seek guidance from the appropriate licensing agency in your home state before beginning the academic program located outside your state. Information regarding licensure requirements in each of the fifty states can be found through the State Higher Education Executive Officers Association: https://sheeo.org/project/state-authorization-surveys/

Distance Learning Complaint Process

Part of the SARA membership requirements is the mandate that all schools publish the following complaint process within their institution’s website. At the time of the application, the state has approved the following Barry website for the complaint process inclusion: https://www.barry.edu/sara/

If the institutional complaint process is not satisfactory, students may file a complaint with the Florida Department of Education-Division of Colleges, and/or with Barry University’s regional accrediting agency, the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS).

Florida Department of Education, Division of Florida Colleges:

http://cdn.fldoe.org/policy/cie/file-a-complaint.stml (850) 245-0407

325 West Gaines Street, Room 1544

Tallahassee, Florida 32399‑0400

Barry University Accreditation:

Barry University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award baccalaureate, master’s, specialist and doctoral degrees. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call (404) 679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Barry University. Information regarding SACSCOC’s complaint process can be found on the SACSCOC Website under Complaint Procedures at http://www.sacscoc.org/pdf/081705/complaintpolicy.pdf

Out of state online students, who have completed Barry University’s internal institutional grievance process and/or regional accrediting agency grievance process, may appeal non‐instructional complaints to the FL‐SARA PRDEC Council.

For questions and assistance, please call the Office of Distance Education at Barry University: (305) 899-3457.

Photo ID Cards for Online Students (OPTIONAL)

Online students can provide information to their advisor electronically so that a photo identification card (student ID card) can be issued. Students are expected to carry their ID at all times when visiting the main campus or off campus sites. The card is the property of Barry University and is intended solely for its use. The Follett Bookstore accepts the Barry ID card as a mode of payment. However, money must be added to the ID card prior to making any purchases with your card.

Students who live in South Florida may visit the R. Kirk Landon Student Union at the main campus to obtain photo identification cards, parking decals, and purchase their books. The Student Union Office number is (305) 899‑4900. Call ahead of time for office hours and additional information regarding the photos.