College of Health and Wellness


  • Department of Health Promotion & Clinical Practice: Kathy Ludwig, PhD., Associate Dean and Professor
  • Department of Health Sciences: Sathees Chandra, PhD., Associate Dean and Professor
  • School of Nursing: Tony Umadhay, Ph.D. CRNA, Dean and Professor
  • School of Social Work: Maria Teahan, PhD, ACSW, LCSW, CTS, Interim Dean and Assistant Professor

John J. McFadden, Ph.D., CRNA, Vice Provost and Professor

Faculty: Alicea, Amasay, Austin, Boiangin, Collins, Daniels, De La Cruz, Diaz-Cruz, Dietrich, Egret, Freer, Hernandez-Pupo, Hershorin, Ingram-Herring, Jackson, Kegeles, Kolbe, Koplow, Lamet, LaPorte, Levenson, Lewis, Marks,  McGhee, McMahon, Naranjo, Nowakowski-Sims, Packert, Papadakis, Puentes, Pottratz, Rosenwald, Schoffstall, Shaffer, Shapiro, Shtompel, Smith, Tedrow, Toledeo, Williams, Zaoui

Introduction to the College

Barry University has a long history of preparing compassionate health care practitioners who are committed to excellence in practice. In 2008, the faculty and administration united select biological, biomedical, and health care professional courses and programs to create the College of Health Sciences. In 2014, College of Health Sciences was renamed the College of Nursing and Health Sciences to affirm the composition of the College’s programs and the collaborative nature of our disciplines. In 2017, Sport and Exercise Science programs from the School of Human Performance and Leisure Sciences and the Physician Assistant Program from the School of Podiatric Medicine became part of CNHS. In 2022, the College welcomed the School of Social Work. The undergraduate and graduate Nursing programs were coalesced to form a School of Nursing. Two Departments were formed to provide an administrative structure for our remaining health- and wellness-related programs. The College provides students with a vibrant academic environment that supports an inclusive community. Our graduate programs encourage faculty and students to explore ideas and solve professional problems as a scholarly community.

The purpose of the College of Health and Wellness (CHW) is to provide high quality education that will prepare competent, thoughtful, ethical, and compassionate practitioners and scientists both within the U.S. and at the international level. This is accomplished within a caring environment supportive of the religious dimension of the University. The College also provides biological and biomedical science courses for students from other academic disciplines as part of a liberal education.


The College of Health and Wellness advances human potential through the integration of body, mind, and spirit in pursuit of excellence. To reach their full potential, graduates should become proficient as leaders, change agents, problem solvers, negotiators for conflict resolution, advocates, and promoters of multicultural health inclusive of physical, spiritual, emotional, intellectual, social, financial, vocational, and global well-being.

Mission of the College of Health and Wellness

The College of Health and Wellness is committed to providing a quality education to students and producing self-directed graduates who can make a difference in the local, state, regional, national community and world as highly competent, caring, culturally-sensitive, professionals. We accomplish this in a diverse and inclusive, caring, and nurturing environment with dedicated and professionally competent faculty who excel in teaching, service, and scholarship. Our diverse and inclusive faculty strive to produce graduates who are committed to lifelong learning, providing health and wellness-related nursing, and social work services while promoting social justice for all. We aspire to be the college of choice for students who desire an international, premium, ethically based, and relevant education.


  • INTEGRITY-All students in the College of Health and Wellness are expected to adhere to the ethical principles of their profession. They should exercise academic integrity, adherence to federal, state and municipal regulations, and demonstrate respect for the confidentiality and privacy of others.
  • CHARACTER-Moral character, ethical behavior, and the pursuit of knowledge enable our students to become graduates who will contribute to the reputation we aspire to achieve.
  • COLLABORATION-College members should exercise civility at all times, as this is crucial to collaborative practices where receiving and relaying information about clients/patients/employees/colleagues is necessary to promote the well-being of those we serve. We engage in service to our university, our profession, and our community to contribute to positive, transformative, social, and intellectual outcomes.
  • CRITICAL THINKING-Learning is a lifelong endeavor that leads to professional development. All learners should be self-directed and committed to the development, evaluation, and application of knowledge and critical independent thought that is based on scientific inquiry. For our professions, this scientific inquiry informs decisions, interventions, and practices.
  • SCHOLARSHIP-We strive to create an environment conducive to scholarship and provide opportunities for professional development and personal growth in the Catholic and Dominican intellectual tradition, we facilitate disciplinary content and experiential learning in each student through the development of confidence and competence.
  • RESEARCH-Scientific inquiry develops students’ perspectives about themselves and the world around them and fosters new and creative ways of thinking. It is also the foundation upon which professional practice knowledge, essential for success in a career, is constructed. We contribute to research-based evidence and generate new knowledge in our respective academic fields by producing high-quality research that is locally, nationally and internationally relevant and ethically responsible.
  • SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY-Embrace a commitment to lifelong learning, and the knowledge and skills necessary to make a difference for one’s profession and in the lives of others. The ability to engage clients, communities, and larger segments of the population in health promotion and disease reducing initiatives will require a strong sense of social responsibility.
  • DIVERSITY-CHW professionals should be competent practitioners/providers who represent and advocate for multicultural and diverse populations. Cultural sensitivity, along with mutual respect for others, is necessary to practice in a global society. The cultural aspects of health, sport, exercise and wellness require interventions that can be tailored to individuals, improving adherence and health outcomes.
  • INCLUSION-We embrace inclusion of all aspects of personhood through the diversity among our scholarly community, as these add to the cultural competence of all and promote mutual respect and tolerance among and between students, faculty, administrators, alumni, patients, clients and all those in need of our expertise. Adding culturally diverse and inclusive professionals to the current workforce is necessary to minimize unjust disparities and reduce barriers to services and create an inclusive global community.
  • SOCIAL JUSTICE-Social justice serves as a paradigm by which professionals teach, serve, and conduct research in order to distribute our social capital among all people. It drives the efforts to educate populations about their risk factors and to serve those who live in communities with limited resources. Social justice also relies on scientists and researchers to produce findings that inform the health, sport, exercise and wellness community at large about the plight and needs of disenfranchised segments of the population.
  • RESPECT-We respect the diversity of our students and their desire to make meaningful contributions locally, nationally and internationally.


With the knowledge that the world and human needs are constantly changing, the goals of the College of Health and Wellness are to:

  1. Provide a liberal and professional education in the biological, biomedical, sport and exercise science, wellness and health sciences to a diverse student body within an environment that fosters self-directed analytical thinking and a commitment to life-long learning and scholarship.
  2. Offer didactic, laboratory, simulation, and practicum courses and other educational experiences that meet the requirements of Barry University and of entrance into professions and professional programs.
  3. Foster a sense of ethical and social responsibility through interprofessional education and collaborative service-learning opportunities. 

Philosophy of Teaching/Learning

In the Catholic intellectual tradition, integration of study, reflection and action inform the intellectual life. Faithful to this tradition, a Barry education and university experience foster individual and communal transformation where learning leads to knowledge and truth, reflection leads to informed action, and a commitment to social justice leads to collaborative service. Barry University provides opportunities for affirming our Catholic identity, Dominican heritage, and collegiate traditions. Catholic beliefs and values are enriched by ecumenical and interfaith dialogue. Through worship and ritual, we celebrate our religious identity while remaining a University community where all are welcome. The Faculty members of the College of Health and Wellness are committed to providing a quality education to students and producing self-directed graduates, who can make a difference in the community as highly competent, caring, and culturally sensitive professionals. This is accomplished by using multiple classroom innovations, technology-rich curricula, experiential learning activities, and small group discussions as appropriate.

The College offers the following undergraduate degree programs:

BS in Clinical Biology Program

  • Histotechnology
  • Medical Laboratory Science
  • Post Baccalaureate Certificate In Medical Laboratory Science
  • Completion Program (Associate’s to Bachelor’s degree)

BS in Medical Laboratory Science to MS in Laboratory Management Seamless Program

BS in Health Services Administration

BS in Nursing

  • Traditional Option
  • Accelerated Option

Sport and Exercise Sciences

  • BS in Applied Sport and Exercise Sciences
  • BS in Athletic Training
  • BS in Exercise Physiology
  • BS to MS in Applied Sport and Exercise Sciences to Human Performance and Wellness
  • BS to MS in Applied Sport and Exercise Sciences to Human Performance and Wellness Specialization in Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology
  • BS to MS in Exercise Physiology to Human Performance and Wellness

Social Work

  • Bachelor of Social Work

Highlighted College Policies

Background Checks and Drug Screens

Participation in clinical experiences, rotations, or fieldwork is a required part of the curriculum and a requirement for graduation. Clinical rotation and fieldwork sites require drug, criminal, and/or child abuse background checks, and clearance through the HHS/OIG list of excluded individuals and the GSA list of parties excluded from federal programs in order to permit participation in the program’s clinical experiences, rotations, and/or fieldwork experiences. Clinical and fieldwork sites may deny a student’s participation in the clinical experience, rotation, or fieldwork experience because of a felony or misdemeanor conviction, failure of a required drug test, or inability to produce an appropriate health clearance, which would result in delayed graduation or in the inability to graduate from the program. Individuals who have been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor may be denied certification or licensure as a health professional. Information regarding individual eligibility may be obtained from the appropriate credentialing bodies. Drug and background checks will be conducted at the student’s expense.

Curricular and Policy Changes

The curricula described in this catalog are continually subject to review in order to respond to external mandates, including those of both regional and professional accrediting bodies. University policy changes in curriculum may be made without advance notice. The College will make every effort to minimize the impact of such changes on currently enrolled students by stipulating that students complete the requirements of their degree program in effect at the time of admission or readmission to the program. In the event that this is not possible due to accreditation standards or the deletion of courses, students may be required to complete alternative degree requirements in order to graduate. The programs, policies, requirements, and regulations listed in this catalog are continually subject to review in order to serve the needs of the University’s and College’s various communities and stakeholders. Changes may be made without advance notice. Please refer to the General Information section for the University’s policies, requirements, and regulations. Please refer to the College’s website for the most recent information regarding program requirements, policies, and procedures.

CHW Procedure for Appeal of Grades

The purpose of this policy is to address a CHW student’s request for the revision of an academic grade. It applies only to those Schools within the College  who do not have a prescribed procedure for appealing a course grade. The Procedure for Appeal of Grades will only apply to the final grade of a course in a CHW program.

A standing CHW Grade Appeal committee will consist of five (5) CHW faculty members and one (1) undergraduate & one (1) graduate student. Faculty members will serve a 2-year term. Student members will serve a 1-year term. Open faculty committee member positions will be appointed and approved by the Vice-Provost at the beginning of every fall semester. Student members will be appointed by the Vice-Provost upon recommendation of the deans at the beginning of every fall semester. A minimum of four (4) faculty members and two (2) student members will consist of a quorum to review an appeal. A challenge to a grade will only be considered when the student has evidence that the final grade received reflects other than the appropriate academic criteria, that is, the achievement and proficiency in the subject matter as stated in the course syllabus. The committee will follow an internal decision-making procedure described below.

  1. CHW students have the right to appeal any final course grade that they believe, based on available evidence, was inappropriately assigned. The faculty member responsible for the course is the only person who may make a grade change. A faculty member cannot be mandated to change a grade.
  2. Any faculty and / or student who was involved in the decision of the final course grade at issue may not serve as a CHW Grade Appeal committee member. In such situations, the Vice-Provost will appoint a replacement as an alternate as needed.
  3. The student must first discuss the matter with the faculty teaching the course or awarding the grade before filing a Grade Appeal, in an effort to resolve the matter informally. If the appeal is not resolved, the student will meet with the Dean or designee who will seek an informal reconciliation. In the event that the appeal is not resolved within the program level, the student will file the Grade Appeal Form to the Chair of the CHW Grade Appeal Committee. The form must be filed within five (5) business days after the date on which the final course grade was due to the Registrar’s office.
  4. The CHW Grade Appeal Committee will make a formal investigation. The Grade Appeal Committee will determine if a hearing with the student & faculty is required to make a decision. No external representation or consultations by either the student or faculty will be allowed during a hearing. The Committee will inform the student and faculty of the decision in writing within 25 business days of the filing of the Grade Appeal Form. The decision will be that the grade will stand or that the faculty member should change the grade as recommended by the Committee.
  5. The student and / or faculty may appeal the decision of the Committee by sending a letter of appeal to the Vice Provost within five (5) business days after notification of the Committee’s decision. The Vice Provost or Dean designee will make a decision to either affirm or overturn the Committee’s decision in writing and will inform the faculty and student within ten (10) business days of receipt of the appeal letter. The decision of the Vice Provost or Dean designee is final.
  6. In instances when the Vice Provost or Dean recommends a grade change and the faculty disagrees, the Vice Provost/Dean will inform the Program Director and the Registrar that the grade will not affect the student’s GPA, and will not prevent the student’s continuation in the University. The Vice Provost/Dean may allow the student to repeat the assessment or course without penalty if required by the student’s program plan or progression policy. Progression in the program may be affected.
  7. All written communications or documents can be transmitted in electronic format. Time-sensitive deadlines apply. A student who does not appeal a particular grade within the stated time period waives future rights to appeal that grade.


The College of Health and Wellness strives to graduate professionals who demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and behaviors necessary to be successful in their careers and contribute to the community they serve. As such, the College faculty and leadership reserves the right to remove any students for academic or nonacademic reasons as outlined in University, school, or program policies and procedures. Students removed from any program must follow the grievance procedures as outlined by the College and Program.