Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences
The Social Sciences program at Stevens allows students to study human behavior and society through a variety of approaches and methodologies. Students acquire foundational skills from disciplines such as Political Science, Sociology, and Psychology. After choosing a concentration in one of these fields, they are involved in individual research projects. Additional information about math, science and computer science requirements can be found on the Writing and Research Methods/Professional Practices page. Additional information about major specific courses and humanities requirements can be found on the Major Concentration Area page.
Social Sciences Curriculum
Term I (15 Credits)
CAL 103 | Writing and Communications Colloquium | 3 |
HHS 130 | History of Science and Technology | 3 |
HST 120 | Introduction to Science and Technology Studies | 3 |
| Computer Science | 3 |
| Major Specific Course | 3 |
Term II (15 Credits)
CAL 105 | CAL Colloquium: Knowledge, Nature, Culture | 3 |
HLI 220 | Images of Science in Literature | 3 |
HPL 112 | Science and Metaphysics | 3 |
| Mathematics | 3 |
| Major Specific Course | 3 |
Term III (15 Credits)
| Major Specific Course | 3 |
| Major Specific Course | 3 |
| Mathematics | 3 |
| Secondary Concentration | 3 |
| General Elective | 3 |
Term IV (15 Credits)
| Major Specific Course | 3 |
| Major Specific Course | 3 |
| Science | 3 |
| General Elective | 3 |
| General Elective | 3 |
Term V (15 Credits)
| Major Specific Course | 3 |
| Major Specific Course | 3 |
| Non-Major Humanities Requirement | 3 |
| Secondary Concentration | 3 |
| General Elective | 3 |
Term VI (15 Credits)
| Major Specific Course | 3 |
| Major Specific Course | 3 |
HSS 301 | Research Design and Methods | 3 |
| Secondary Concentration | 3 |
| General Elective | 3 |
Term VII (15 Credits)
| Major Specific Course | 3 |
| Major Specific Course | 3 |
CAL 498 | Thesis Preparation | 3-6 |
| Secondary Concentration | 3 |
| General Elective | 3 |
Term VIII (16 Credits)
CAL 499 | Senior Thesis | 4-8 |
| Non-Major Humanities Requirement | 3 |
| Secondary Concentration | 3 |
| General Elective | 3 |
| General Elective | 3 |